Your Message From Christ:

Avoid the Seduction of Power

jesus hand outstretched

Beloved, pause and reflect on the world around you and take heed. There is a temptation as old as time itself, one where so many people have succumbed to. The unceasing allure of power and influence has been the downfall of so many that in their relentless pursuit of success.

But the path I have laid out for you is not one of dominion and control. Instead it is about influencing others through humble service and love. Let me guide you to understand the true essence of leadership and management, grounded in the example that Christ has set in His time in the world.

Power Does Not Equate to Leadership

In today’s society, power and influence often appear as the ultimate goals. These forces promise control, respect, and a sense of worth that seems unattainable through other means. The temptation to achieve greatness through authority and dominance can be overwhelming. However, I call you to examine the true nature of such power.

Power can be a seductive siren, leading you away from the path of righteousness. It whispers promises of success and security, yet it can entrap you in a cycle of pride and self-interest. This is not the leadership I envision for you.

Consider the many leaders and managers throughout history who have fallen prey to the intoxication of power. They start with noble intentions, aiming to influence and motivate others for good. But soon, the desire for personal gain overshadows their initial purpose. They become ensnared by the need to maintain their status, often at the expense of those they were meant to serve.

In your journey, it is crucial to remain vigilant against this seductive pull. Remember that true influence and leadership do not stem from the ability to command and control but from the capacity to serve and uplift others.

Consider the many leaders and managers throughout history who have fallen prey to the intoxication of power. They start with noble intentions, aiming to influence and motivate others for good. But soon, the desire for personal gain overshadows their initial purpose. They become ensnared by the need to maintain their status, often at the expense of those they were meant to serve.

The Principles of Servant Leadership

As we saw from the bible, Christ wielded a great deal of ‘power ‘power’ and influence over the hearts of the people, but He did not seek power for its own sake. Instead Christ often did the reserve and stunned His followers through His acts of service and humility. From the washing of His disciples’ feet to eventually sacrificing His life for the debts of us, He displayed the essence of true leadership – one that is grounded in love, humility and sacrifice.

All of you will undoubtedly be in some position of power or influence, whether it is being a world leader or even a simpler role like that of being a parent. All of God’s children must strive to be effective leaders grounded in these key principles:

  • Humility: True leaders do not seek to elevate themselves but to lift others up. They recognize their own limitations and understand that their role is to serve, not to dominate.
  • Empathy: Effective leaders put themselves in the shoes of those they lead. They understand the needs and struggles of others and respond with compassion and care.
  • Selflessness: A servant leader prioritizes the welfare of others above their own. They are motivated by a genuine desire to see others succeed and flourish.
  • Integrity: Authentic leaders are true to their word. They lead by example, demonstrating honesty and transparency in all their actions.

By embracing these principles, you can wield a far more potent form of influence than any worldly power can offer. When others see your genuine commitment to their well-being, they will be inspired and motivated to follow your example. This is the true essence of management and leadership – to influence and inspire others through acts of love and service.

The Call to Servitude

Beloved, I call you to reject the false allure of power and instead embrace the path of servant leadership. Let your influence be rooted in love, humility, and selflessness. As you lead by serving others, you will reflect my light and love in a world that so desperately needs it. May you find the strength and courage to follow this path, knowing that I am with you always, guiding and supporting you.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

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