Your Message From Christ:

Mending Broken Relationships

Relationships are a truly beautiful thing. They keep us connected to others and allows us to share in the love that Christ has taught us. But at times, they can also be fragile broken – leaving you with a sense of loss or longing. Whether it is a friend, family member or loved one, Christ wants you to know that your what was once broken shall once again be restored. There is no wound too deep, or a relationship too far gone to receive the salvation of the Lord.

Just as Christ sacrificed himself to save us no matter how far off we have wandered from Him, so too can our Lord mend the relationships in our lives and bring about complete restoration and peace.

The Pain of Brokenness

The pain of a broken relationship is a unique kind of suffering. It can feel as though a part of us is missing, leaving a void that seems impossible to fill. This pain is not unfamiliar to Christ. He experienced the ultimate brokenness on the cross, bearing the weight of our sins and the pain of separation from His Father. In Christ’s mortal suffering, He too understands our own as He stands ready to offer His healing touch.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

Lift up your cares, worries and frustrations to the Lord. Do not allow pride to take root, for love should always triumph in the face of pride or anger.

Let Go of Pride

Pride is like a silent killer, subtly but effectively undermining the foundation of any relationship. It manifests as a barrier to reconciliation and an impediment to forgiveness. To truly mend our relationships, we must learn to recognize the destructive power of pride and let it go.

Pride can be subtle, often disguising itself as self-respect or confidence. However, it is important to distinguish between healthy self-esteem and destructive pride. Pride in its negative form is characterized by:

  • An inflated sense of self-importance: Believing that our needs, desires, and perspectives are more important than those of others.
  • A refusal to admit fault: An unwillingness to acknowledge our mistakes or wrongdoings, even when they are clear.
  • An inability to forgive: Holding onto grudges and refusing to extend grace to those who have hurt us.
  • A need to be right: Insisting on our own way and dismissing the views and feelings of others

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” – Philippians 2:3-4

Let Humility & Love Lead The Way

Humility is the antidote to pride. It is the virtue that allows us to see ourselves and others through the lens of God’s love and grace. When we embrace humility, we open the door to healing and reconciliation in our relationships. Remember that all relationships must be founded on love for them to succeed.

Beloved, if you are facing the pain of a broken relationship, know that you are not alone. Christ is with you, offering His healing and grace. Through humility, forgiveness, and love, you can mend what is broken and experience the joy of restored relationships.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, we come before You with broken hearts and wounded spirits.
We ask for Your healing touch upon our relationships.
Release us from all anger, hatred, misunderstanding and sadness,
Unshackle us from the sin of pride,
Grant us the grace to forgive and seek forgiveness,
Grant us the the strength to rebuild trust and the wisdom to walk in love.
We trust in Your perfect timing and Your infinite mercy.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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