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You Shall Be Strengthened With Each Passing Day

Your Gift of the Spirit

Fortitude | Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Embrace Your Inner Strength

Dear child of light, the world may sometimes bear down on you, testing your resilience and courage. In those times, remember – your strength doesn’t come solely from your mortal being but, springs from the well of the Spirit within you. Within you lies the strength that does not falter in the face of adversity, in your heart lies the resolve to push forward when all else seems lost.

And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.

– Romans 8:26

Take a moment to draw on the strength of my spirit within you. You were created with unique gifts, talents and passions – use them to your advantage! No matter what struggles or obstacles come your way, remember that I have equipped you with the power to overcome them all.

God’s Values: Your Guiding Light

When storms rage and winds howl, my dear, do you wonder how to find your way? The lighthouse in this tempest is your values, the principles that God has instilled in you.

Hold steadfast to them, for they are your compass, guiding you towards the path of righteousness and love. The world around you may change, but these values remain, like the North Star in the night sky, constant and unwavering.

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist”Ephesians 6:14

For today, you must embrace each of these tenets in your life.

  • Respect for all creation
  • Compassion for the suffering
  • Love for each and every soul
  • Courage in the face of fear
  • Persistence when confronted with challenges

Remember, my child, these values do not just represent what you believe in, they define who you are. Like the roots of a tree, they ground you, reminding you of your purpose in God’s grand design.

Persevere Child, For The Journey is Long

The journey of life is long and winding, not our of the randomness of nature but by immortal design. Dearest one, whilst your journey may have its share of peaks and valleys, your will to persevere, to continue walking in the face of obstacles must remain strong.

Like a river that carves its course through mountains, your spirit must flow onward, undeterred by the rocks of challenges and the canyons of failures. It is this spirit of perseverance that truly reflects God’s love and grace.

Let my spirit bring clarity into your life; allow it to fill your heart with joy and peace so that no matter what happens around you, you remain centered in my love. Like a lighthouse guiding ships in a stormy sea, my spirit will lead the way home when life’s storms become too overwhelming for you to navigate on your own.

Living Embodiments of Strength

Take a moment to draw on the strength of my spirit within you. You were created with unique gifts, talents and passions – use them to your advantage! No matter what struggles or obstacles come your way, remember that I have equipped you with the power to overcome them all.

Dearest one, always remember, your strength lies not just in the battles you’ve won, but also in the lessons learned from defeats.

It resides in the values you uphold, the love you spread, and the light you shine upon the world. Above all, it thrives in your unwavering faith and trust in God’s divine plan. You are an embodiment of strength, a testament to the Holy Spirit that flows within you.

A Prayer for Fortitude

Lord, we thank You for the strength You instill in us through Your Holy Spirit.
Help us to remain steadfast in our values and principles, and grant us the courage to persevere.
May we continue to serve as reflections of Your love and grace in this world, spreading light amidst the darkness.
Give us the fortitude to stay deeply rooted in our faith so that we may overcome all in your name.
In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.


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