Inspirational Christian Stories

A Hidden Failure

Daniel was a lively, curious child who was always seeking new adventures and challenges. He especially loved flying kites, a passion passed down from his father, Peter, who had taught him the hobby since a very young age.

One sunny afternoon, Peter presented Daniel with a beautiful kite that was handmade and painted with vibrant colors. “This is for you, my son,” Peter said lovingly and with a tinge of pride that he was passing on his beloved hobby to his son. “May it soar as high as your dreams.”

Daniel’s eyes widened with excitement as he took the kite from his father’s hands. He couldn’t wait to see it dance in the sky. That very day, he ran to the nearby meadow, where the breeze was perfect for kite flying. With a running start, Daniel released the kite into the air! It soared higher and higher, catching the wind perfectly. Joy filled Daniel’s heart as he watched his new kite glide gracefully above.

However, Daniel’s joy was short-lived. A sudden gust of wind pulled the kite sharply, causing it to spiral out of control. Before Daniel could react, the kite crashed into the branches of a tall tree, far beyond his reach. The once proud and vibrant kite now hung limply, tangled and torn.

Daniel’s heart sank. He felt a deep sense of failure and shame. How could he face his father after ruining the precious gift? With tears in his eyes, Daniel decided to hide his failure. He left the kite in the tree and trudged back home, his head hung low.

Days passed and Peter noticed Daniel’s unusual silence. In fact Daniel was even reluctant to fly kites anymore and would quickly close off on the subject. “What’s troubling you, Daniel?” Peter asked one evening out of concern.

“Nothing, Father,” Daniel mumbled, avoiding his father’s eyes.

Peter didn’t press further but sensed that something was amiss. As Daniel sat alone by the fireplace, Peter came and sat beside him. He placed a comforting hand on Daniel’s shoulder and said, “Son, whatever it is, you can always talk to me. We all face failures, but it’s how we handle them that matters.”

Tears welled up in Daniel’s eyes. He couldn’t hold back any longer. “Father, I ruined the kite you gave me,” he confessed, sobbing. “I didn’t want to disappoint you, so I hid it. I’m so sorry.”

Peter’s heart ached seeing his son’s distress. He gently lifted Daniel’s chin, meeting his eyes. “Oh, Daniel,” he said softly, “kites can be fixed, and so can our mistakes. I’m not disappointed in you. I’m proud of you for trying. And even more so now, for being honest with me.”

Peter took Daniel’s hand and led him to the meadow. Together they worked to retrieve the kite from the tree. With patience and care, Peter showed Daniel how to repair it until it was almost good as new.

As they worked side by side, Daniel realized the true meaning of his father’s love. It wasn’t dependent on success or failure but was unconditional and unwavering. He understood that turning to his father for help was a sign of strength, not weakness.

With the kite mended and ready, Daniel and Peter stood together in the meadow once more. This time as the kite soared into the sky, Daniel felt a deep sense of joy and contentment. He had learned an invaluable lesson: that in times of failure, turning to those who love and support us can lead to growth and newfound strength.

As the sun set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Daniel looked at his father with gratitude. “Thank you, Father,” he said, “for always being there for me.”

Peter smiled, his heart full. “Always, my son. Always.”

“Which of you, if your sons asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are veil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

– Matthew 7:9-11

Why Do We Avoid God?

Daniel’s story of redemption, and his father’s unwavering love teaches us a profound lesson about turning to God for help instead of shunning Him in our times of trouble or failures.

Mistakes and failures are inevitable in our journey through life. Sometimes, these missteps leave us feeling ashamed and saddened, causing us to withdraw from God. We might think that our sins make us unworthy of His presence and that He might turn away from us. However, nothing could be further from the truth. God’s love is unconditional, and His arms are always open, ready to welcome us back!

Daniel’s reluctance to talk about his failure is akin to our own hesitation to approach God when we fall short. However, just as Peter sensed something was amiss with his son, God is always aware of our struggles and is ready to offer His support and guidance. The key lesson here is that we should not let shame or fear keep us from turning to God, or separate us from the love of our beloved Father.

The Father’s Unconditional Love

God’s love for us is not based on our perfection but on His perfect nature. Romans 8:38-39 assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. No mistake or failure is too great for His love to overcome. When we sin, avoiding God only robs us of experiencing His love in its fullness. Instead running to Him allows us to be enveloped in His grace and mercy, which is always available to us.

A Personal Prayer

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart that has known mistakes and failures.
I confess my sins and lay them at Your feet, trusting in Your unfailing love and mercy.
Thank You for Your forgiveness and for welcoming me back into Your loving arms.
Help me to walk in Your ways and to turn to You in every moment of weakness.
May Your peace fill my heart as I embrace Your grace and strive to live a life that honors You.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Take a moment to reflect on a time when you felt distant from God due to your mistakes. How did you find your way back to Him? What steps can you take today to ensure that you turn to God immediately when you stumble, instead of allowing shame or sadness to drive you away?

Remember, God’s love is a constant and His forgiveness is always available. Let this truth be the foundation upon which you build your relationship with Him, especially in times of failure.

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