Dear God, as I lay down to rest this night,
I thank you with all my heart for walking with me through another day.
All my successes, my triumphs, my victories I offer in your name and mercy.
I lift up to you all my worries, fears and anxieties, I know that you will grant me the grace to see them through.
As my eyes grow heavy and I drift into restful slumber,
I take comfort in knowing that I am safe, loved and held in your warm embrace.
Calm my mind and expand my faith in you O’ Lord.
Restore my strength throughout the night, that I may make full use of tomorrow to glorify your name.
Guard me in my sleep and guide me when the morning comes.
Your humble servant
Avoid Doing Loveless Deeds, but Always Host with Genuine Love
What does the concept of hosting God in your heart mean to you? Is it the simple of following all the rules set forth in