Dear beloved Saint Benedict,
You have been made by God to become our guide on how to live a life that is worthy to imitate.
You have been an outstanding example of living a life of service for Him.
You were a model of all virtues therefore, I want to honor your memory.
Grant me the intellect to comprehend you and understand your thoughts and actions.
Inspire me to be like you in all things by being wise, mature, and authoritative.
You were firm by being bound in the law of God and following the Rule you have written.
Although you were firm at times in the service of the Lord, you did not forget to be loving.
You chose to be involved developing the community and shy away from responsibility or dangers.
You have brought compassion to the people regardless of their age, capabilities, and spiritual disposition.
You lived a life displaying the spirit of moderation, for you want to focus on what is important.
Therefore, grant me a spirit of simplicity and humility because I want to follow you and refocus my mind on the word of God.
Give me the grace to stand against all trials, afflictions in life, and all the temptations and sins God forbids.
I pray for your gift of peace and protection from the enemy’s pitfalls and tactics.
Grant me an eternal happiness from here on earth and unto heaven by being submissive to God’s will.
Help me follow your path so that I may live and die a life holy and worthy in His sight.
Intercede for me, St. Benedict, and give me the strength to emulate you,
Through Jesus’ name, I pray,
Amen 🙏
Life’s Journey Wasn’t Meant To Be Easy, But All Your Efforts Will Be Worthwhile
Life’s Journey Wasn’t Meant To Be Easy, but All Your Efforts Will Be Worthwhile. You will be rewarded in my kingdom.