Dear Father in Heaven,
I thank You for the gift of animals.
I am grateful for the ability to take care and to nurture pets.
You have given me the responsibility to protect them from those who want to exploit and wish evil upon them.
I pray for the preservation of the next generation’s heritage through the help our flora and fauna all over the world.
May our pets and other animals continue to be safe and secure for the next generations to see and admire.
May our pets and other animals continue to find shelter, food and have their needs met as You appoint people to care and nurture them.
As we were created from your own image and likeness, I pray that you will reveal to us the best way that we can bring love & joy to all of your creation.
For we are here to manage and steward well Your creation and everything in it.
They are here to support the balance of our ecosystem and some will provide us with food and even companionship.
Help us to not take it lightly and be wasteful in our decisions and our actions that might affect how we leave the planet for the next generation.
May we take care of it and own it like You have called Adam to because the same weight falls unto us as we become children in Your kingdom.
Bless our pets with health, happiness, and provision to grow and live out their years.
Bless all animals that they too would serve their purposes and their lives will give You glory!
In Jesus’ name, I pray
Amen ?
Life’s Journey Wasn’t Meant To Be Easy, But All Your Efforts Will Be Worthwhile
Life’s Journey Wasn’t Meant To Be Easy, but All Your Efforts Will Be Worthwhile. You will be rewarded in my kingdom.