Dear Father in Heaven,
All glory and honor belong to You!
I praise You for Your love and affection.
Who am I that you care for me deeply?
As the deer longs for water, so does my soul longs for You as well, my Lord.
In You there is life everlasting, a peace transcending, and a love that is never-ending,
In You, there is hope for the future, and joy in my sorrows.
Father, I rejoice in who You are!
My emotion may change, yet You remain the same.
My devotion may fail yet You remain faithful.
My affection may fade, yet You love me anyway.
You are never changing Father!
I often wander away, remind me of the joy I have in you,
Restore to me the joy of my salvation just as your servant David cried, so do I cry as well.
That I may not wander away from the joy that my soul has found in You.
Father keep me away from joy-stealer.
Guard my eyes and my soul from those who want to take the joy I have in the cross of Your Son Jesus.
Strengthen me in the moments where life’s draining my innermost being.
I rejoice in You.
I rejoice in Your Truth and in Your Promises,
I rejoice in Your Son Jesus, who rescued me.
May I find myself satisfied in the fullness of who You are!
My joy is only found in You.
And nothing in this world would ever bring an everlasting joy in this soul of mine.
I thank You Father!
I bring all praises to You,
In Jesus’ name, I pray,
Amen 🙏
Do Not Be Pained, Instead Rejoice in the Salvation
The cross of Christ is one of the most profound symbols in our faith. It reminds us of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made on