Dear Father in Heaven,
I come to You today with a heart filled with worship and praise.
You are a good Father, and there is none like You!
Lord, today is a new day, and I am so glad that Your love remains the same.
Thank You, for Your mercies are new, Your grace is available, and Your promises are true.
I fix my eyes on You, for I am not sure about what I will face and go through today.
I ask and pray that You fill my heart with positivity –
A holy positivity that would encourage my downcast spirit and anxious heart.
I turn to You and trust You, Lord,
More than what the news outlets say…
More than what is viral on social media…
More than what my doctor would say…
More than what is inside of my bank account…
More than what my peers would say…
More than what kind of trouble I would see in this world.
You have said in Your Word that
“In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.”
The Word uttered by Your Son Jesus Christ is a powerful reminder for me to live today with a heart filled with Holy positivity.
A heart that knows even how negative and troubled the world I am around in, I can tune in to Your Word and be at the right frequency to remain positive.
These I ask and pray, In Jesus’ name,
Amen 🙏
God Fulfils All His Promises, Even if He Does Not Give Us Everything We Want.
God Fulfils All His Promises, Even if He Does Not Give Us Everything We Want. He Will Lead Us Along the Path to Salvation.