- Our Lady's Special Message -

Blessed Mother, Fill Us With Good Health & Zest for Life

Good Health Is Your Portion

Above all else, God wants you to prosper and be healthy. He wants you to make the most of the life He has given you. If you say anything and not doubt in your heart but believe that those things you said will be done, you will have whatever you say.

That means also that what you say in your heart is what you will have. So your heart and your mouth must be in agreement. However, your mouth must speak out what you want for you to have it. So, today, declare that you are healthy.

God will Relieve You Of Your Suffering

You were made in God’s likeness which makes you unique among all of God’s other creations in the universe. God created you slightly below Himself out of a desire to have a relationship with you—a relationship of a Father and a child. God originally desired you. He considered you and prepared a fantastic future for you.

Because God wanted to love and be loved by you, He formed you and made you different from everyone else in the world.  This proves that God has predetermined plans for your life. My child, God is good and everything that He has planned for you is good. Everything good comes from God.

My beloved child, there are some trying times in your life. But compared to the glory that will be revealed in you, the brief suffering of this life is nothing. Please know that I am with you and that I will assist you. I have a good relationship with  God, who made the heavens and the earth as well as you. Never will I abandon you, never will I turn you away.

When your parents fail you, I’ll adopt you by picking you up and holding you close to me. You will always remain in the center of my love. My love is with you even when you are in trouble and distress.

Confess Your Sins

My precious child, know that nothing in life—not even death—can keep you from Me and My love for you, no matter how far you fall or how high you rise. You cannot be separated from my love by a demon or any other force in hell. Through Christ, my son, I make my love for you known. Because the victory of Christ Jesus is also your victory, you will triumph in everything and in every circumstance.

My beloved child, I am faithful and just, and when you confess your sins, I will forgive you and purify you from all unrighteousness. Your salvation is found in repentance and resting in Me. I’ll instill a pure heart in you and revive the spirit of righteousness.

Your salvation’s joy will be restored, and I’ll make you eager to follow Me once more. Then you will instruct sinners in God’s ways, and they will come back to Him as well. Therefore, submit to My mighty hand and humble yourself so that I can raise you up when it is appropriate.

Everyday you have interactions with people, be it in places of work, places of worship and other places and out of the interactions you can fall into disagreements . You can always hurt each other. This has been going on since the first times, and it still exists today.

God, however, offers a solution. You can learn to recognize what is wrong– what isn’t in line with God’s design – through prayerful reflection. Confession can help you surrender your brokenness to God. You can receive a clean slate to begin again through Jesus’ forgiveness. You can assist God in fixing your broken situation by being close to Him.

Be Grateful For All The Blessings You Receive

My dear child, Do not ignore all the blessings I have bestowed upon you. I intercede for all your transgressions, I cure all your illnesses, I deliver your life from the jaws of death, and I crown you with my love and compassion.

I fulfill your desires with good things so that you can rekindle your youth like eagles. I, your Heavenly Mother, am compassionate and gracious, slow to get angry, and abounding in love. I restore righteousness and justice for all those who are oppressed. I won’t constantly accuse you or hold onto my resentment forever; I don’t pay you back for your transgressions.

Call to Me, My Precious Child, and I will answer and reveal to you great and mighty things that you are unaware of. Always offer up a prayer to Me for relief from your worries. Whenever you want healing, talk to me. You can pray aloud or in your heart; either way, I can hear every thought you have. Everything that concerns you is something I care about as well.

Cast all of your worries and concerns on Me because I love you. Do not rely on your own understanding; instead, put your complete trust in Me. In all that you do, acknowledge Me, and I will guide you. Do not worry about anything, but instead, present your requests to Me, and  will ask the Most High God  to fulfill all your desires.

Today’s Prayer

Our Lady of Good Health, Our Merciful Father chose you,, to be a potent intercessor in times of problems and suffering. Teach us to live joyfully in the state of grace, to not be afraid, to be brave and generous in helping others. I entrust my heart to your most holy hands and pray to you for both physical and spiritual well-being in the sure belief that you, my most devoted Mother, will hear me.

Pray for us right now and at the moment of our demise, holy Mary, mother of God. Amen.

Bible Verse

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”– 3 John 1:2

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