St. Jerome, Guide Me to the Hidden Treasures of God’s Word

Let Us Pray

O Glorious St. Jerome,
Father and Doctor of the Church,
You who poured over the sacred pages of Scripture,
with zeal unmatched, and devotion unshaken,
I come before you today,
with a heart longing to be stirred,
to be kindled with the same fire,
the hunger for God’s Word that you knew so well.

St. Jerome, in your pursuit of the truth,
you translated and unlocked the mysteries of Holy Scripture,
bringing the richness of God’s wisdom to all.
You understood the deep well of life that is found in every word of God,
and your love for the truth was unwavering.

I ask, through your intercession,
that you open the Scriptures to me,
the way the Lord opened them to you.
May each passage leap off the page,
speaking to my heart,
revealing its hidden treasures,
and lighting my path towards holiness.

Stir in me a deep desire
to be nourished by the Bread of Life,
the living Word of God.
In times of doubt,
may I turn to Scripture for comfort and guidance.
In times of weariness,
may the Word be a wellspring of renewal and peace.
Fill my mind with a longing to understand the sacred texts,
and my heart with an insatiable thirst to live by their truth.

Grant me the grace,
to never approach the Word of God with indifference.
May my heart be like fertile soil,
ready to receive the seeds of wisdom,
and may I cultivate them with care,
allowing them to take root,
and bear fruit in my life.

In moments of distraction,
give me the focus and discipline to sit with God’s Word,
letting it sink into my soul.
In moments of confusion,
open my eyes to see clearly the truth that has been revealed,
and guide my steps along the path of righteousness.

O St. Jerome, you who knew the power of the Word,
help me to cherish it deeply,
to make it a constant companion in my life.
May I not just read the Scriptures,
but meditate upon them day and night.
Help me to memorize and carry the sacred words in my heart,
so that I may be strengthened in my faith,
and be a living witness to the Word’s transformative power.

I ask for your prayers, St. Jerome,
that I may grow in love for Scripture,
and allow it to shape my thoughts,
my words, and my actions.

Guide me to a deeper understanding
of God’s promises and His plan for my life.
Help me to align my will with His,
and to live according to the teachings of Christ.

Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary,
and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
may I always find joy in the Scriptures,
and may they be my anchor and my light,
leading me ever closer to the heart of God.

🙏 Amen. 🙏

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