Dear Father in Heaven,
I worship and honor You.
Your kindness and grace give me the confidence to approach Your throne gladly.
Father, I praise and thank You for the promises of Your Word over my life.
The promise that Your Son Jesus Christ came to give me an abundant and a full life!
Father, I am grateful for the family that I wake up to each day.
I thank You for the joy that my family brings.
The inspiration they carry that pushes me to live faithfully in loving and serving them with all gladness.
It is Your love and Your grace, Father, that enables me to experience this blessing,
and to fully enjoy the love and acceptance, according to how You have designed a family to be.
Father, I understand that my family is not perfect.
I have fallen short most of time seeing this blessing right in front of me.
Sometimes we are clouded by the hurtful words, the pain of rejection, and the expectations that are not met.
With your strength, help me to cleanse any negativity and bitterness in my heart.
That is why I look to You Father.
Teach me to forgive in haste, just as how You have forgiven me without reservations.
Allow me to see my own imperfections as well and correct me gently
so that I may live to be a blessing in my family, to serve and love them according to Your Word.
Protect my family against the enemy’s scheme.
Keep us always a loving unit and a testimony of your love.
And may we worship You above all.
This I pray in Jesus’ Name,
Amen ?
Avoid Overindulgence and Greed in Your Life
Dear child of light, we are embarking on a journey of wisdom together. It is an expedition on which we must tread with caution and