Dear St. Joseph,
You have inspired me to become like you.
You have been an example of living a holy life that is pleasing to God’s sight.
Assist me by interceding that a spirit of compassion and humility like yours caresses my soul.
Open my heart, never let pride get the best of me, and let me understand what it truly means to be humble.
Help me admit all my mistakes without being judged and hated.
Let me not be hesitant to ask God for my needs, welcome advice from others, and accept their advice.
For it is where I know I am truly being loved, even at my lowest, and must be thankful.
Remind me that apart from God, I can do nothing.
And He opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Pray for me that I may also be used by Him and dedicate myself to His purposes.
Therefore, teach me demonstrate a life of selfless service by considering others before myself.
Relationships are complex and it requires more of me.
However, I desire to have a deeper and a meaningful relationship with others.
That is why I am placing every single one of it into your hands.
Help me become meek yet strong when advocating your name,
To be less boastful and proud of my successes, but to know that all grace comes from you.
And help me to be ready to ask for forgiveness and forgive in return.
Let me be a channel of your love by being sympathizing than discouraging, by building meaningful relationship than being destroying.
Give me the grace to bear patiently with other people and let me reflect you.
This I humbly pray to you, St. Joseph,
And in Jesus’ name,
Amen ?
Weaving God’s Love into Our Lives
Like a master weaver carefully crafting a tapestry of the most intricate design, so too does our Heavenly Father weave His love into the fabric