Dear Father in heaven,
Through You, I will look up in expectation.
Take hold of my situation and stand the middle of this battle.
Give me victory upon victory, for I trust in Your Name.
You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
You alone are God and no one could equal to You.
Lord, You made me victorious before, so I know You will do it again.
You are the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
And Your love endures through generations.
You never change.
Therefore, I will stand in Your faithfulness.
Lord, You are my pride and my joy.
You alone whom I trust because victory comes from You.
So, deliver me and give me my breakthrough.
Help me fight through these storms.
Let me resist through this adversity.
Let me walk upright and move steadily.
And let me not lose this course.
Let me wear your armor and the helmet of Your salvation.
For we do not wrestle against the flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers, and against rulers of darkness.
Train me to win and see Your reward.
And remind me that the crown of life is my inheritance.
Bring me a hedge of protection.
Send a myriad of angels to be responsible.
And give me your revelation.
So, I will know the correct choices to win these battles.
Lead me into your righteousness and justice
So, I may also lead these people to You, and for their souls to be rescued.
In Jesus’ name, I pray,
Amen 🙏
My Graces Will Come Upon You, And They Will Know No End
There is no shame in second chances. That bad ending was nothing more than a setup for a new beginning. Sometimes you think you would