Dear Father in Heaven,
I have been wounded so many times that I create my defense mechanism consciously and subconsciously to protect myself from being hurt again.
I know it is a trap where I allow my mind to continue to dwell on the offense that someone has done against me.
Forgiveness is hard, especially if it was done by someone whom I love.
But Lord, I want to release myself from all the pain, stress, and stronghold of what has harmed me.
I pray for Your spirit of forgiveness and let me cast all my cares and burdens upon You.
I pray that I will be able to forgive even if it is a process.
Release this pain and anger by teaching me Your nature, Your mercy, and Your compassion.
Let me not repay evil for evil because vengeance is Yours Lord
Let me abide in Your word and set me free, oh Lord.
May this forgiveness will lead to healing, comfort, and peace.
And may this forgiveness bring You honor and glory.
This is very challenging, but I want to please You.
I want to have a holy relationship with You.
And I want to be worthy to call You Abba Father.
Let this be my lifestyle and remind me to forgive, for I have been forgiven.
Let me choose love even when it feels impossible.
Grant me with sympathy, a tender heart, and a humble mind.
And search me, oh God, know my heart.
See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.
In Jesus’ name, I pray,
Amen 🙏
Avoid Negative People Who Are Jealous of your Light
My dearest one, today’s message comes with an important warning – to watch closely for the danger of negative people in your life and and