Dear Father in heaven,
I thank You for Your grace and Your mercy that is new every morning.
I thank You for You washed away my sins through the blood of Jesus Christ and made me pleasing and acceptable to Your sight.
I pray I will continually walk in Your holiness and purity.
Help me not to give up my purity in exchange for the shallow approval of men or the fleeting satisfaction of my flesh.
I do not want to end up empty, dissatisfied, shamed, or guilty for I was robbed because of my hunger for affection and vanity.
I was just chasing after the wind.
I was setting up myself for destruction.
I was leading myself to a false security.
Therefore, Lord, grant me discipline and self-control.
I know it is for my good and protection.
Remind me You are more than enough, and all the others are just Your added blessing.
Remind me to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness
and all these things shall be added unto me if it is in Your will.
May I find joy and fulfillment in You.
Forgive me for loving the things of this world.
Forgive me, for I rejected You before.
End this corrupt thinking of mine and replace it with Your wisdom.
Set me free, make me a new creation, and make me whole.
Remind me to love myself,
And remind me of my worth, for I am considered Your precious child.
In Jesus’ name, I pray,
Amen 🙏
Finding Loyalty in a Dishonest World
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