![Prayer to Shut Down All Doors of Evil evil doors](https://saintsprayercircle.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/evil_doors.png)
O Almighty and Everlasting God, Fountain of all goodness and Light Eternal, with humility in our hearts we approach Your divine presence. We your humble servants, beseech You, to hear our earnest prayer to shut down all doors of evil that threaten to encroach upon our lives and the world.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we implore You to cast Your protective gaze upon us. May Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, enfold us with the strength to withstand the wiles of the adversary. As we journey through the complexities of this earthly life, guide our steps in the path of righteousness.
Heavenly Father, You who have vanquished the darkness with the resplendent light of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we invoke Your mighty power to close every door that evil seeks to open. In every corner of our hearts, our homes, our communities, and our world, let Your grace prevail. Sanctify us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may become beacons of Your divine love and truth.
Lord Jesus, You who triumphed over sin and death, fortify our spirits with Your courage and wisdom. Help us to discern the subtle snares of the enemy, and grant us the fortitude to reject all that is contrary to Your holy will. In moments of doubt and temptation, remind us of Your eternal victory, that we may cling to the hope of Your resurrection.
Mary, Mother of God, and our mother, intercede for us with your maternal care. As you stood steadfast at the foot of the cross, stand with us in our battle against evil. Lead us to your Son, Jesus, the source of all healing and peace. May your prayers strengthen us in our resolve to close every door that leads away from Him.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defender in battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. With your heavenly might, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Protect us in our struggle against the powers of darkness, that we may emerge victorious in Christ.
Holy saints and angels, companions in our spiritual journey, join us in our plea. May your righteous lives inspire us to live in holiness and truth. Encourage us when we falter, lift us when we fall, and guide us back to the path that leads to God.
Lord, we acknowledge our own weaknesses and failings, often the very openings through which evil seeks to enter. Grant us the grace of true repentance and a firm resolve to turn away from sin. Purify our hearts and minds, that we may be worthy vessels of Your divine grace.
In moments of trial and adversity, remind us of Your unfailing presence. Let Your light shine in the darkness that surrounds us, illuminating our path and leading us to safety. In every decision, guide our choices toward that which is good, true, and holy.
O Divine Providence, provide us with the armor of faith, the shield of hope, and the sword of charity. May these heavenly gifts protect us from all harm and lead us to eternal life with You. We entrust ourselves to Your loving care, confident in Your promise to be with us always, even to the end of the age.
Finally, Heavenly Father, we pray for all who are ensnared by the deceptions of evil. Extend Your merciful hand to them, that they may be freed from the chains of sin and darkness. Through our prayers and witness, may they come to know the liberating truth of Your love and find peace in Your salvation.
We offer this prayer, trusting in Your infinite wisdom and love, through Christ our Lord. Amen.