Prayer to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for Grace in Difficult Relationships

Let Us Pray

In the trials of difficult relationships, finding the grace to love with patience and compassion can feel beyond reach. This prayer to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton invites us to seek her intercession for strength, understanding, and the ability to forge deep, meaningful bonds with others. Through her guidance, may we learn to love as God loves—unconditionally and with a heart open to healing.

st elizabeth ann seton

O Blessed St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,
faithful servant of God and mother to many,
I come before you with a heart weighed down by strife,
by misunderstandings and wounds from those I love.
I seek your intercession to soften my heart,
and to guide me on a path of patience and compassion,
that I may see others as God sees them,
and love them as He calls me to love.

In this moment of struggle,
I ask for your wisdom to fill my soul,

to understand the hurts that I cannot see,
to listen with a heart open to healing and peace.
Grant me the grace to remain calm when tensions rise,
to respond with gentleness when harsh words fall,
and to reflect Your love in every glance,
in every word, and in every silent prayer.

St. Elizabeth, teacher of children and bearer of burdens,
you knew well the struggles of relationships,
the complexities of family, of friendships, of duty.
I ask you to stand beside me in my trials,
to remind me that every relationship is a gift from God,
a chance to grow in His love and grace.

When anger seeks to control me,
teach me to hold onto peace.

When bitterness attempts to cloud my vision,
help me to forgive with a heart unburdened by grudges.
I long to break free from the chains of resentment,
to embrace understanding and mercy,
to forge bonds that are rooted in divine love.

O Patron of those who seek to serve,
instill in me the desire to serve others with joy,
to lay down my own pride, and uplift those around me.
Guide my actions so they are full of grace,
that I may be a vessel of peace to those who struggle,
a beacon of light to those who are lost,
and a friend who comforts in times of despair.

I pray, too, for the strength to see my own faults,
to humbly admit when I am wrong,
to approach others with humility and honesty,
so that my relationships may be free from falsehood,
and bound by truth, mutual respect, and love.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,
through your example, teach me patience,
teach me kindness, teach me the endurance of love.
Help me to bear the cross of difficult relationships,
to embrace every person as a beloved child of God,
and to trust that He will mend all that is broken.

May I carry this prayer in my heart each day,
that I may love without condition,

serve without hesitation,
and forgive without reservation.
I place my relationships into your loving hands,
and through your intercession,
I ask for God’s grace to bring healing and renewal
to every bond in my life.
Amen. 🙏

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