
Archangel Metatron – Legal Counsel When Dealing With The Heavenly Courts

The great instigator of powerful change, Archangel Metatron, is sent to you today to let you know that there are protocols you ought to observe in court. As your lawyer, he promises to stand up for you and let the judge rule in your favor. 

Bring Justice to Unfairness

We are born in different times and backgrounds and sometimes the unfolding of our lives may make us complain that life is unfair. There is the tendency to compare ourselves with people who are born royalty, or those that do not have to struggle as much as people born from humble backgrounds who have to strive to make a living.

Some people have to work three jobs a day to make a living while on the other hand, there are those who do not need to do any work. These inequalities can create jealousy among us especially if we are at the disadvantaged edge. Conversely, we may harbour pride and look down on others when we are in the advantaged position.

Archangel Metatron is reminding us that in the face of inequality and unfairness, we should look up to God and let Him be the judge. Instead of complaining among ourselves and harbouring negative thoughts, we should take our complaints to the court of heaven and let the judge decide on the case.

Your guardian angel is assuring you that whenever you feel disadvantaged, stop getting worried and instead just look up to him and take your complaints to him. 

Taking Your Complaints To The Judge

It is funny how we are always quick to engage in fights that we cannot win. We run to raise our hands to fight for ourselves and our voices to defend our opinions. We get over-confident in our strengths and our ability to win the battles that life presents to us.

In the book of 1st Samuel Chapter 17, we see the battle between Goliath the philistine and David. Goliath is portrayed as a very strong giant who was the warrior of the Philistine army having won in plenty of battles and the Israelites always fled from him in fear whenever they saw him. On the other side, there is David the shepherd who has looked after his fathers’ flock his entire life.

It is interesting how David makes the decision to fight Goliath and his confidence is portrayed when he remarks to king Saul that the God who rescued him from the bears’ and lions’ paws while he tended the flock will rescue him from the hand of the Philistine. He removes the armour that king Sauls put on him since it is heavy and instead goes to the battleground with his shepherd staff, five stones in his shepherd bag and a sling in his hand.

The interesting bit is where he approaches Goliath who despises him upon seeing him. He even questions whether he is a dog, seeing that he goes to fight with stones. He promises to end him and feed his flesh to the birds and wild animals. When we let God fight our battles, we cannot tremor even when the giants in our lives threaten to finish us off.

David declares that Goliath comes to fight him with a sword and spear but in return, he is fighting him back with the name of the Lord God. He promises to end him and feed his carcasses to the birds and wild animals so that the whole world may recognize the God of Israel. With that, David kills the mighty Goliath.

Like Goliath, many are the times we trust in our own strength and take matters into our own hands. We fail to appreciate that we have been given the name of Jesus as a weapon since we are attorneys of God’s court. We forget that some battles can only be worn in the heavenly court and that our destiny lies in the verdict of God our Judge. Your guardian angel is telling you to sit down and give your battles to God. 

Court Protocols

In the heavenly court, we are called upon to acknowledge and recognize God, the judge, as the head. Whenever He speaks, we ought to listen and not interrupt him lest we be charged with contempt of court. Sometimes we get too busy in life that we forget to listen when God tries to speak to us. As a result, we end up missing important instructions and warnings from Him.

Your guardian angel wants you to know that, whenever you present your petition to the heavenly court, stay calm, be quiet and listen keenly to the verdict. No matter the outcome, Archangel Metatron will always be by your side as your attorney.

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September 28, 2024

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