
Archangel Raguel – Justice Of God Awaits

Archangel Raguel, the angel of justice and harmony is sent to you today, to assure you of intervention in your time of distress.

When you feel cast down by how unfair people have been to you, get your strength to keep pressing on for justice from the assurance that you are not alone and the fair law of God will prevail.

Laws Are For Your Own Good

We often think that the commandments are restricting us and God doesn’t want us to experience good things in life, but the truth is that He knows the consequences of breaking them outweigh the good.

A father would not allow his child to play with fire just because the child wants to, rather he restricts him from it even if he will cry, knowing that later when he gets to understand it, he will appreciate it.

Archangel Raguel insists on finding joy in the laws of God, whether we understand them or not. We do not want to be on the receiving end of God’s wrath, because it can be bigger than what we can handle.

When God’s law is enacted, those who obey Him get to be at peace, and when we need any assistance, He is there to help us. Archangel Raguel wants you to not view the laws of God as restricting, but rather savor in the fruits that come from it. You will not stumble in obedience.

Practicing Fairness

Many times we want to be treated right but we fail to reciprocate. We often look at the things we want and it becomes a selfish vicious cycle because it is about us all the time. We are asked to choose to see outside the box and get out of our cocoons, there are so many people who need more than you do, and wish to be in the position you are.

Archangel Raguel urges you to practice gratitude and be selfless and see other people and their needs. It is easy to dismiss other people’s feelings and deem them irrelevant because we have not felt the magnitude of pain that they have. Be fair to people if you expect to be treated fairly.

The Bible urges us to love our neighbors just as we love ourselves. In a world that is filled with people who are self-oriented, there is a need for kindness and empathy. 

Justice Is Served Right In God’s Own Timing

Archangel Raguel sees the injustices that have been done against us and he is sent by God to right our wrongs. Often when God is late to come through for us, we think He does not see.

When we see people suffering, when we get sick and feel the pain in our bodies, when we see people in power taking advantage of a God-given responsibility to selfishly satisfy themselves, we may think that God is unbothered.

The Bible, in the book of Ecclesiastes, notes that God will bring both the wicked and the righteous to judgment, for there will be a time to judge every activity you do, a time to judge every deed. God does not sleep nor slumber and everything you do, He sees. In life, we may experience an uplifting after going through an event that we thought we would never make it through. The people who oppressed us or did wrong to us may end up wondering how we pulled through after they had pushed us right into a hole.

Archangel Raguel wants you to trust that at God’s own time everything will be put right. Be patient in the knowledge that the goodwill of God will always surpass any other. Ask archangel Raguel to intercede for you that your wrongs may be made right.

Strive To Live in harmony With Others

Being at peace with people is very important. We tend to be offended by very little things about people and we are ready to let them go. We continually expect perfection from others, but this is highly unlikely to meet our expectations.

Archangel Raguel insists on giving people chances and allowing them to be free to express themselves. Give people a huge room for disappointments, so that when they do, you will still have room to maintain them. We are quick to ask God to forgive us, and we expect that He will.

We somewhat feel like it is our right to be forgiven – we take for granted that he is Holy and doesn’t entertain sin, but still, He forgives us. On the other hand, we find it very difficult to forgive someone after they have wronged us.

Archangel Raguel wants you to find peace within yourself, for yourself, and for those around you. Be in harmony with people and love them. It is okay to fall, you will rise again and so will other people too. Do not make people feel so lost for hurting you. Extend a hand of grace and love them back if they want to do better.

Equality Begins With You

We blame others for not treating us equally and we are eager to point out that people are fighting us. However, when we ourselves are given a chance we do not hesitate to do the same. We can feign treating someone with respect for some time but eventually, our true self will resurface.

Angel Raguel is with you in this journey, to see the purposes of God established for the greater good of all. Change your perception about people from deep within. Choose to think positive thoughts about people, see the good and the different ways they are enabled.

Prayer To Archangel Raguel

“Oh angel of justice and harmony, I pray to you that you may bring peace into my life. Dear Archangel Raguel, please bring peace and equality into my life.  beseech thee to intercede for me that God may show mercy to the whole world. Amen”

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February 25, 2025

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