
St. Michael – Be Patient, Your Justice Is Near

“My Beloved, I am here to bring the much sought justice that you seek. Do not be disheartened by transgressions of the world, for the Lord sees all and He has fought to offer you salvation and redemption. He is the only judge whose sentence matters, and He is always in your corner as long you as accept Him in your hearts.”

The hall of justice of the Lord is unlike that of earthly courts. It’s true that the justice system is far from perfect. Relying on attorneys and judges to fight for our justice can sometimes be futile and leave us with even more pain. But St. Michael draws near to us in our hour of need to testify on our behalf and to uphold the law of God that reigns above all. He will be your shield, from all spoken deeds, and injustice that you have suffered.

Even if we are chastised and belittled by others, it is better to be misunderstood by man than to turn away from the Lord. St. Michael the defender of the faith wants you to know that just as we have been called to “serve his justice”, so too shall your divine attorneys fight to see you also receive justice and fairness, and your rewards will be eternal.

I Am Fighting For You As Your Divine Attorney

There will come a day where there will be perfect justice for all. A world where goodness and kindness will triumph and all that is Holy flows from God. Such is the kingdom of the Lord. As for the kingdom of man, we Christians are called to lead the way and to seek justice for the victims who are oppressed.

“Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets.”

– The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:11-12

Be patient my child, for the Lord’s angels are coming swiftly to your defense. When you suffer inequity, do not be consumed with anger or vengefulness for those who have been wronged in the name of the Lord shall be exalted when the time comes. Never forget the infallible defense of your heavenly advisors who have your best interests at heart.

Accept Me As Your Appointed Defense

Life isn’t always smooth sailing and you will come upon challenging storms that will threaten your faith and seek to bring you down. It is when we find it difficult to connect with the Lord that we actually need him the most. No prayer will go unanswered, no evil too great that it will overpower your spirit. I will defend you in all the trying times and the powerful aid of my angels is never too far away. I know you through and through, and it is never too late to accept my salvation.

When you feel wrongfully accuse or the target of spiteful tongues, know that there is only one true divine judge who will always give you the benefit of the doubt and leave the door open to his kingdom. The Kingdom of God lies in wait for you as long as you reach out to grasp it in your heart and mind. There is no sentence on earth that can supersede the mercies of the Lord.

The Verdict Is Close At Hand

Dear child of God, do not be complacent or misjudge the unfailing love of the Lord. Whilst God has provided the mechanism that acquits us of our sinful doings, the key to true freedom from transgressions lies with the choices we make. To receive His forgiveness we must be prepared to make sacrifices in the name of the Lord. He who has already paid the ultimate price by sacrificing his own son to take on the weight of our transgressions. All that he requires is for you to accept Him in your thoughts, words, and actions.

Prayer to St. Michael for Justice

"Heavenly Father, I give thee thanks for all the mercies that you have granted onto me. Let always seek first your divine justice before comforts of my own. For you are my rock and my shield, you are my defender & provider. There is no challenge too great that I cannot overcome with your aid. Guide me in my journey that I may rise above any sinful nature and let me always seek the eternal rewards of your kingdom. St. Michael the archangel, pray for us. Amen."
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