
Saint Elizabeth – Leverage On Your Utility

We often take for granted the little things like our access to clean water and energy to power our home and appliances. These utilities help to take care of our basic needs and enable us to lead a better quality of life.

St. Elizabeth comes today to deliver the message that we must also allow God to power up our lives just as seamlessly, and at the same time we too are called upon to contribute to others who are in need of family assistance or are struggling to meet their basic needs.

By living with gratitude and leverage upon our own utility in the name of God, we contribute to the betterment of God’s kingdom here on earth and are drawn into a closer & deeper relationship. God’s graces are everlasting for all who make use of what they have to help & enable others to lead better lives. It is through His unmerited favour that we are enjoy our lives today. We should intend to make use of his mercies to transform our ways and secure a good life today and eternity thereafter.

Contributing Our Utility for God

Many are unsure of their purpose in life and why they were put on this earth in the first place. Why is it that some people are born with so many gifts, talents and opportunities whilst others have seemingly so little?

The truth is that we all have value in the eyes of God. No matter the situation or how desperate we may seem, always remember that we are so much more than just our circumstance. St. Elizabeth calls on you to remember the Widow’s Offering in Mark chapter 12:41-44. Even a poor, wearied widow who many would think has nothing to offer gave up her fortune to the poor. Her little act did not go unnoticed by Christ you gave her special mention and good graces for her sacrifice.

When we contribute to God’s kingdom we need not need to worry about the amount or how well off we are. Our utility is not measured based on the quantity we give, but rather our true intention which is fair and proportionate. Knowing this, we are never too “poor” to have no value in the eyes of God. Even simple words of kindness may go a long way to building God’s kingdom.

Never underestimate your self worth and be bold in your intentions to seek God and bring his people closer to Him.

Obey God’s Directives

Those who seek the Lord and trust in His graces have an “unfair advantage” above others.

Just as how you make use of power to your ultimate advantage over its convenience, is much the same as how those who obey God’s instructions are advantaged from his grace. He gives priority to those who acknowledge his son, Christ as being the authority in their lives. God denies access to hardships to such a person and instead grants his grace towards them which comes informed of blessings. 

If you assent to heeding to your creator’s instructions, you are open to God helping you manage each of the utilities. He will come through for you when you are having financial difficulties to ensure you aren’t hindered from living a good life. 

Saint Elizabeth is telling you that nobody is perfect and once in a while you find yourself going against what the creator has directed. She insists on frequently making petitions where you seek for pardoning and through God’s mercies, you’ll be forgiven. This will enable you to consistently enjoy his grace through the abundance in your life. 

God as Your Provider

In a world where adversities are unavoidable and sometimes unpredictable, the surest way to live is to devote oneself to the graces of the Lord. Do we turn to God to be our provider only in times of need? Or do we rely on His mercies each and every day of our lives?

It is extremely important for us as Christians to remain in proper alignment with God. Giving ourself to God isn’t simply the act of baptism, but rather to cultivate deep longing and intentions to serve His purpose in life.

“And do not present the parts of your bodies to sin as weapons for wickedness, but present yourselves to God as raised from the dead to life and the parts of your bodies to God as weapons for righteousness”

– Romans 6:13

Saint Elizabeth urges you to place your dependency on the Lord who is not limited by our earthly limitations. When we draw strength from Him, we are able to overcome even the biggest obstacles in our life. He provides not only for our physical needs, but also lifts away all of our burdens, stress and pain that we have experienced.

Through Him comes eternal salvation and his table will never run dry. He will provide you with those you think you require and those that you do not. All you have to do is assent to living a life that is free from sin and without worry of where to get money to fund the goals in your life.

God has everything in control and pledges to make life easy for everyone who commits to be Christ’s disciple. We need to create or maintain a relationship with him by requesting him to order our steps. Acting contrary to God’s laws means one is sinning which breaks the relationship that was restored through the death and resurrection of Christ his son hence the saint is encouraging us to live a Godly life. 

Prayer to Saint Elizabeth

“Dear Saint Elizabeth, I am enlightened on how to leverage on God’s grace to ensure that I am separated from misery.

I can certify that I am not in a position to meet all my needs in life, therefore I request for help to seek God’s intervention in my life.

I accept the Lord as my savior and provider.

Let me contribute with the purest of intentions, and seek to glorify His name in all that I do.

Empower me with the strength and wisdom to grow His holy kingdom.

Steel my heart so that I may never falter in my conviction to lead a Godly life.

This I pray in the most precious name of Christ.”

St. Elizabeth, pray for us.


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March 5, 2025

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