
St. Raphael – Having God as Our Pain Relief

I’m sure we’ve all come across stories of miraculous healing and relief.

Since such experiences are inevitable, Saint Raphael is revealing to us that there is a need to embrace a supreme power in our lives. He is letting us know that we can be relieved from such despair through God and have him use our pain for his glory. 

Having God As Your Pain Reliever

What’s the main remedy to pain in our lives? Often when we require medical attention, the doctor’s answer would be to prescribe a wide variety of drugs for each type of symptom.

Going through life, we will face challenges that may cause us pain both physically and mentally. To deal with such, Saint Raphael has made an effort to reach out to us in sympathy and for comfort. He wants us to know that whilst pain is simply a process in our lives that we have to endure, God will be ever present and available to lend a hand should we heed his call.

Our God is one of mercy, understanding and He is close to the broken-hearted. He will never forsake His children who are in the midst of suffering or ailments. All we have to do is to invite Him into our lives.

Saint Raphael is warning us against living with the thought that we can do life and manage to deal with pain on our own. God uses our pain to strengthen and encourage others to trust him and believe that he is working despite what we see. Being in pain is not a way to make you suffer because he does not in whatever way accredit us suffering but for the glorification of his name when he gets you off it. 

The saint against pain is coming to inform us that we should aim to win God in our lives for he is close to us and always with us as we endure through it. God wants us to give him our burdens and leave them to him by faith and this will help us ease the pain we are carrying in our minds or hearts.

There is nothing we are going through that we cannot cast on the Lord for he knows all about them and cares for us. Those who put their trust and faith in him are shielded from being damaged by pain. Saint Raphael offers to give a shoulder to lean on when pain becomes too much to handle as you wait for the Lord to relieve you of it.

You Will Receive God’s Healing 

When the health officers treat you from a disease, they are hopeful that from the treatment you will get healed which is susceptible to failing. When the time for God to heal you comes, there is the certainty that you will get healed. He is the best and a great healer and his works cannot equal anyone else’s. Regardless of the sins we make against him, he does not hesitate to heal us.

The Lord heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. His healing traces back to the power he gave to his son where when he was on earth he went to people’s houses proclaiming God’s word and healing every sickness and disease. From the love he has for us, he cannot stand to see us suffer and that is why whether or not we are his followers, he will always hear us from our pain. Saint Raphael comes to us to pass us a message that whoever has embraced God in their lives will always be healed from anything that interrupts their peace as he resides under the sun.

Curing All Sickness

Until one is tested they cannot tell which sickness they are suffering from. As the doctors, God tested us and diagnosed us to be suffering the sickness of sin. He went ahead and sent his son to come and die on the cross for us to be healed. From the death and resurrection of his son, the sickness of sin has been taken away from us and it is up to us to make sure we maintain our health through salvation.

Saint Raphael wants us to know that those who are sick of sin will not be allowed to enter heaven. He urges us to live a life that matches up to that which Christ lived when he was on earth.  It is through accepting him in our hearts that will enable us to never suffer from illnesses connected to sin. 

Book An Appointment with The Heavenly Physician

For efficiency when one visits a health officer for treatment or checkup, there is a need for booking an appointment. Similarly, to secure a place in heaven, we book an appointment by accepting Christ in our hearts as well as trusting that the Lord’s word is true and acting towards what it says.

Also Saint Raphael tells us that through prayers, we book an appointment to see and experience God’s will. We are to receive immense blessings when we have our intentions leading to glorifying God. The saint promises to be our way through to book an appointment with the Lord when we feel as if our faith is wearing out. 

Salvation from Symptoms

Apart from running health tests, the symptoms one is experiencing help one discern the disease they could be suffering from. Similarly, we should purpose to identify the way in which we want to follow to live a satisfactory and successful life.

Saint Raphael wants us to choose salvation for by doing so we are walking in God’s path. One who walks in this path will meet the purpose their lives are intended to. He tells us that through this way we will be able to endure any suffering that comes to us. We need to maintain our faith that we are on the right track and not even the difficulties we encounter will make us leave it. 

Go for Regular Check-ups

A health officer offers medical needs to a patient with an aim of treating them. Similar to how you surrender your medical needs to your doctor, is much the same to how you should surrender your life to Christ. Giving your life to him means letting him be in control of your life.

He becomes responsible for you and all your acts. This is a great step to salvation resulting from the faith you have in him. Saint Raphael comes to advise you to admit you are a sinner and you need a savior who is Christ and by doing so you will receive his eternal and loving grace. You will be blessed with his earthly riches and be allowed to enter the gates of heaven.

Prayer To Saint Raphael

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