
St. Matthew – Marketing Yourself for Success

In the world we live in today, people have been subjected to many financial obligations and responsibilities that they are stuck and are compelled to stay in jobs that they have no passion for.

Therefore, St. Matthew has been sent to you to remind you of how important it is to develop a passion in serving God. When you develop a passion of serving the Lord no problem nor challenge shall waver your faith in Him because you believe in what God can do for you. 

He is asking you that if you have been walking in the path where God is not by your side, it is time for you rethink your journey and call unto God to guide you failure to which you shall be unfulfilled and consequently condemned to suffering and destruction. He is urging you to grow and maintain the passion to serve and walk with God and you can be guaranteed of greatness and prosperity in your life journey.

Create And Build A Good Brand for Yourself

If you live a life that does not brand you as an ambassador of Christ, how do you expect them to use and invest in what you preach? In order for you to attract people your actions must be respectable and those that builds a good reputation for you that people are willing to give their time to listen to what you teach them of God and actually put it into practice.

Saint Matthew is therefore here to remind you that you need to be one that promotes the word of God by living in its accordance. He is urging you to practice what you preach of God’s word and in turn His grace and favor in your life shall be evident and reflected to others hence branding God’s name and promises for he is faithful to those that are faithful to him. 

You must live righteously in God to brand yourself and create a good name as Christ’s ambassador to attract people to following you and to what God instructs. When you chose to live as to how God has called you to live, a life free from sin, his blessings will surely follow you and others will witness how blessed you are and desire to live as you do to secure their blessings. 

Build A Strong Network System

In the world we live in today, church leaders have turned churches into competition fields where they focus on who has most followers than the other rather than getting the message of God to the people. Others have gone to the point of performing fake miracles with the intention of bringing most people into their churches. God is not pleased with such acts and so therefore the saint Matthew is reminding us that in your service to others it is important to work with others that are in the field of serving the Lord. 

He is urging us that it is important to work together with others so that the word of God may get to many people and spread all over the world. Today Saint Matthew is urging us to focus on what is important and build a strong network and support group by indulging in team work with other preachers so that your mission which is marketing God’s word may be fulfilled to many more people.

Identify And Relate With Your Audience

As an ambassador of Christ Saint Matthew is asking you to be keen in listening to those that come to you with their burdens. He wants you to help others by assuring them that by faith they shall overcome all that they struggle with. At times life challenges pushes us to the edge and at times even fall and this makes it difficult for us to stay strong in faith at such times as it is in our human nature to be weak. This is where saint Matthew wants you to step in and identify those weak in faith so you may help them get back to their faith and remind them that nothing is impossible with God.

Saint Matthew wants you to assure those that feel defeated by their storms that everything that happens in their lives happens in accordance to God’s plans and that the storms are just temporary. Ask them to cast their burdens to God as he shall restore them to the state of calmness. Just as one that markets himself/herself for success does by enhancing active communication with the clients to ensure that they are well catered for, the same way as an ambassador of Christ you should make others feel safe and catered for by God.

Adopt Effective Marketing Strategies

Saint Matthew is calling you to widen your thinking and come up with ideas that will enhance your mission such as conducting open crusades preaching on sidewalks, and public vehicles. He is assuring you that you should not be afraid as he shall direct and guide you as you take on the responsibility of being the ambassador of Christ. He assures you that though you face persecution and condemnation, you should not give up but rather stay strong in faith and carry out the mission with confidence for he is with you in every step of the way. 

Prayer for St. Matthew’s Intercession

“Dear St. Matthew, I am honored and grateful for being called and chosen to carry on the work of my father Christ Jesus.

May you intercede for me that thee may grant me the strength and courage to fight off any fear that may be holding me back from carrying out the task and mission chosen for me.

Guide me as I adopt the ways of Christ & let me never stray from His path.

St. Matthew, pray for us.”

Amen 🙏

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January 30, 2025

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