
St. Peregrine – Heavenly Coverage

Many a times we fail to recognize and appreciate how blessed we are for the gift of good health until we are deprived of it. We tend to assume that getting up every morning and carrying out our activities in the course of the day without experiencing any accident or sickness is normal. If only we knew how much those with illnesses pleaded to God to give them another chance and heal them, we would never take our good health for granted.

Saint Peregrine has been sent to us today to remind us of the need to thank our God for granting us good health as well as our responsibility as Christians to pray for the sick. As the patron saint for persons suffering from long-term and life-threatening diseases, he reminds us of the need to insure our lives with Christ so that we may enjoy premium benefits after we leave the earth.

Seeking Spiritual Insurance

Just like we value health insurance because it aids us when we are sick and reduces our burden, spiritual insurance is eternal and most important. Perhaps you are wondering how you can insure your spiritual life to secure your place in heaven. Saint Peregrine provides us with the following tips:

Helping the less fortunate

The bible clearly states that faith without action is dead. No matter how much we claim to love God, we need to prove with our actions. We cannot claim to be believers of Christ yet the less fortunate in our midst are suffering and we are in a position to help them.

Helping the less fortunate could involve simple acts such as giving a fruit to the stranger of the streets and even taking your time to play with the disabled child next door. Whenever we give to the less fortunate we gain heavenly coverage of our souls for we not only share earthly things but we spread hope in humanity. 

Preaching Christ

The kingdom of God is for us all and we are tasked with the responsibility of seeking many people so that we may all enjoy it. As Christians, we are fortunate that we have heard the gospel of Christ. Unfortunately, there are still many people in the world who are living in the dark hence we need to share the light with them. 

For this reason, Saint Peregrine is calling us to be preachers of the gospel. While this may seem like you are expected to be on the streets with a mic preaching, he explains there are many ways to preach the gospel.

Some of the ways are; leading a Godly life that people seek to emulate you, performing your christian duties with devotion, sharing devotional messages through social media (you never know the number of souls you might convert or even give hope).   

Seeking Christ the Doctor

In Luke 15:11:32, Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son who demanded his inheritance. Upon receiving it, we went far away and squandered it only to remain with nothing as he fed with the pigs. The interesting bit is where he looks into his miserable life and figures out that his father’s servants lead a better life than him.

He therefore makes the decision to go back to his father and request to be one of his servants. To his surprise, the father welcomes him with open arms and holds a party to celebrate his return.

In this spirit, Saint Peregrine is pleading with us to repent and turn to God for he is our father. Just as we seek a doctor while we are sick, we need to find Christ for he is aware of all spiritual illnesses we might be suffering from. We are called upon to reflect and look deeper into our hearts and souls so that we may recognize the need to let go of our sinful lives and turn to him.

Just like the prodigal son, our sinful life might make us feel unworthy to seek God. Today we are reminded that God loves us for we are his children and no matter where we go, he will never give up on us. He is watching over us and waiting for us to come back home and let him take care of our spiritual health. What more love can we ever seek other than his endless love?

Message for the Sick

While you might be in pain at the moment and you are not sure of whether you will get well, Saint Peregrine brings you a special message that you need to trust in God. He created you for a purpose and he will not let any harm befall you before your work is complete.

Let go of all your worries for the angels are by your side watching over you. Place your trust in the Almighty and let him drive you towards the destination he has planned for you.

Prayer to Saint Peregrine

“Dear Saint Peregrine, I want to thank you for your constant intercession for humanity and especially those who suffer from long-term illness.

I beseech thee to pray for me that I may not only seek to maintain my physical health but also invest in my spiritual health for I am assured that it is eternal.

Help me to always trust in God for he is my spiritual doctor and my father who never gives up on me.”


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March 6, 2025

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