
St. Teresa – Goodwill & Charity Paves The Way to God

As we live, other than God, we are dependent on each other in one way or another with the aim to help each other survive in the world. Giving the needy and those affected by natural disasters is one of the ways Saint Theresa encourages that we should often practice day to day.

She aims to make us know that one way to attract God and his blessings in abundance in your life, is by giving to the less fortunate whole heartedly. 

Practicing Goodwill Attracts God

We are not expected to give because it is mandatory or because others are giving but because our hearts have felt the need to do so. It is from assisting each other in goodwill that we appease our creator. We are expected to follow God’s steps for he is such a good giver who does it wholeheartedly. He has given us life and every good thing in it despite the sins we have made against him.

Saint Theresa comes to you today to make it known to you that being compassionate to others fascinates the Lord. He interests to be at your side always and plentifully bestows his blessings unto you. God puts you to the test by first giving you little and from the way you utilize it for instance if you share with your neighbor who is in need, then he is able to entrust you with more. In addition, when you are closer to God you will never suffer through insufficiency at any point in your life. 

Saint Theresa wishes that you embrace acts of giving for she loves to see people help and get helped. She assures you that her presence in your life will get you encouraged or not to lose strength to continue doing good and sharing with others. The Lord rewards those who are generous to others open heartedly. 

Extending Your Love To Others Through Charity

One of the ways to exercise our love to others is by offering charity to those in need. It is not everyone who would give their services to others without requiring something in exchange at the end. Very few of us would volunteer to contribute in giving charity by, for instance, visiting homes for the elderly to clean, cook and feed them in the days set to do so.

What most of us are not aware of is that by offering charity to others, you exercise love in the best form ever. When you sacrifice yourself to always be at the aid of others, God shields you from being in those situations you are helping others from. Your selfless acts of love draws blessings and favor to you.

Most of us will offer charity to others for a day, a month or so and then get tired. Saint Theresa unfolds that if you show love to others as that that you receive from God despite the mistakes you make, then you will never get exhausted to help. Probably you back up to help because of differences in class, religion and tribe but Saint Theresa appeals to us that to offer charity to others it is only love that matters.

We need to strive to follow the steps of God who from his love for his creation goes ahead to give life and good health even to those who deny him. You are blessed if you show love to others because you open a door of success, healing and progress in your life. You will be living to fulfill your purpose in life if you exercise what you love.

What You Giving Dictates What You Will Get

There is a saying that goes ‘we will receive what we give.’  It is practicable in life because the measure of energy we put in our works is a determiner to what results we will see of whether to enjoy loss or profits. It is much the same for instance, when you do not give to your neighbor who is in need, and yet you have enough, God will not entrust you with more. If you are generous enough to share even from the little that you have, you will receive unending provision from him. 

One who has a heart of giving never lacks. Even if you give your all and leave with nothing for yourself, Saint Theresa comes to you, to assure you that you will receive provision in abundance. Never shy away from for instance giving ten percent of your earnings despite how little it is for God will immensely showers you with more blessings. If you are the neighbor who is being given and find out that someone else needs it more than you do, you should not mind sharing with them. Perhaps you will receive something much better than what you already had. 

Saint Theresa wants you to be a giver and she is certain that when you do so, you will live a life where you will never suffer through inadequacy. She wants us to give God what belongs to him as well as share with the needy in our society. Also, she urges us to pray such that if you are the person who is always being given, God can turn you to be a giver and uplift the souls of others too.

God Will Replace Your Donation To Giving You His

It is a relief to receive a donation right when you need it especially if natural calamities hit you when not prepared. God compares it to a donation, to always give you what you need. In the most freehearted and selfless ways, he donated his only son to suffer and die on the cross for the sake of us, who didn’t even ask for it.

He wants us to test him in giving and urges us to trust in him. People may fail you and lack to come to your aid when you need them the most but God never fails his people. In his scripture he says that as he gives beauty to flowers, cloth the grass, feeds his creatures and provides rain for the earth, is how he will give you because you are more treasured to him.

Saint Theresa tells us that if our satisfaction and confidence is in God’s kingdom, you will be generous with all that he has blessed you with on the earth. He will donate to us even before we ask for it because he knows all we need.

Prayer To Saint Theresa

“Dear saint Theresa, I thank you for your encouraging words during my journey to help others. You have taught me on how I should practice goodwill and love to others so as to have God by my side always.

I ask of you to always intervene for me to the Lord when I feel as if my strength to help others is depreciating. May my trust in God and love for others never reduce in my heart. Help me even when I have the least for myself, I may have the heart to give others.”

🙏 Amen 🙏

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