The giver of Joy, Archangel Jophiel, comes to help you refuel and bring back energy in your life. She wants you to see the beauty in life and stop taking things for granted.
You are here for a limited time and many things are awaiting you to discover so make haste and waste no time. She is calling out to you, to open up yourself to life and believe again, that you are well capable of having happy days.
After being on your lifeβs road for such a long time, she is reminding you to take a break by the gas station and refill your tank so that you can continue your journey without disruptions.
Switch On Your Spiritual Electricity
All power and the ability to walk through life come from a spiritual foundation. It is very important to hydrate our spirituality and regularly intend to make progress to fill our lives with optimism. Spiritual death can make us live life without an understanding of things and we may end up lacking joy.
Archangel Jophiel knows the importance of praying and staying in the presence of God to take into account what He says to us. Before we attend to any other part of our being, we ought to develop ourselves spiritually.
In the book of Jeremiah, the preacher notes that God is always on peopleβs lips but far from their hearts. When we fail to take some time alone to fire ourselves up spiritually we lose a chance to better our relationship with God. Being spiritually awake gives us so many things that we cannot get from other places, there is fullness of joy, peace, letting go of issues to God, and knowing that someone somewhere is working for our good.
You cannot replace this area of your life with anything else, no matter how someone else is there for you, they will sometimes fall short. Put your trust, not in man but God, this is the beginning of freedom. Archangel Jophiel wants you to experience all the goodness that streams from being spiritually awake and refuelling your life with optimism.
Radiating Your Energy
How often have we been asked to tone down our energy so that we donβt make other people uncomfortable? Many people have become ordinary because they wanted to seem normal. We empty our tanks of joy to be at par with others but end up stuck with them.
Archangel Jophiel urges on the need to redefine yourself and pick back again pieces of your identity that you left behind by thinking they are not important. Godβs creation is perfect in all its forms and that includes your flaws. Archangel Jophiel insists that every day that passes, is a day you should have fulfilled a God-given mission, do not be casual about it.
Never let your tank run dry by being ordinary and settling for less because you will be answerable for what you did with your life.
Gas Yourself Up
You are your first cheerleader and nobody will cheer you more than you do yourself. We get to set the pace as to how others will handle us and it is amazing at the power we have, to show people how to treat us. Archangel Jophiel sees all the unique gifts God has given you.
All the potential that lies in you to change lives. It is at this time that you are needed to start living up to that potential because the world needs you. Can you be kind? Can you love someone as God loves you? Can you pray for someone? Notice all the people that need this touch in their lives because you are sent by God to ignite hope in someone else β show them a touch of heaven.
Today, Archangel Jophiel walks with you in high energy, ready to reclaim the power that you and other people have lost due to the pressures of life. Life is like a passing breeze where one day you are here and the next you are gone. If you cannot answer why you are here, ask Archangel Jophiel to intercede for you, to help you tap into your own strength, because it lies there
Affirm what is stated in the book of Micah, βAs for me, I am filled with power-with the spirit of the Lord. I am filled with justice and strengthβ.
Refuel Yourself
Most times we overwork ourselves because there are always goals we feel we should achieve. We hardly find time to settle down and reflect on how our life is going, if we are taking the right path, or even to listen to insights from God.
We cannot be up and running all the time, it is in the quiet place that we get the most wisdom. In the book of Mark, many people were coming and going and did not even have time to eat, and Jesus said to them, come with me by yourselves to a quiet place. He wanted them to get some rest. To have progressed in life, we need to stop at some point and just wait.
Archangel Jophiel insists on spending your time on things that count. Take a break from work and spend time with your family, spend time in prayers and use your God-given talents to help those who are in need. To truly love God is to help those who donβt have someone to defend them, those who are mourning and taking your time to see the goodness of God.
Wealth and riches will be left behind, but the souls you touched will always be happy when your name is remembered.
Prayer To Archangel Jophiel
βOh Archangel Jophiel the giver of joy, I thank you for bringing joy into my life today. I beseech to help me power up my life and reignite the flame of God so that He may light my path once more. Whenever my tank runs dry, help me refill it with joy and optimism and whenever I run into the dark, may you always watch me and lead me back to the light. Amenβ