
St. Joseph of Cupertino – Studying the Word of Christ

Knowledge is power. Especially so in the domain of Christ. As he’s followers, we are all student’s in His teachings and must embody a spirit of constantly learning and upgrading ourselves.

God’s word is alive, active and penetrates into our soul deeper than any other wisdom that we can master. Whilst we seek to attain titles, certificates and degrees in our time on earth, we must also make the effort to graduate from the school of Christ. And no learning is complete without proper theory & application.

We say that His word is alive because we do not simply read it like a textbook or novel for pleasure, but because it was meant to manifest in our lives and make us better people.

Today St. Joseph of Cupertino wishes to inspire our curiosity and quest for knowledge. Often depicted flying in pictures because of his well-know gift of levitation, He was in fact faced with obstacles when it come to his studies and had a hard time trying to pass his seminary exams. But by the grace of God he was inspired to put in the hard work and eventually went on to work many amazing miracles that he would be remembered for.

He was undoubtedly blessed by the Lord, for only then could he perform the many miracles that he did. St. Joseph is a testament that one does not need to be smart in the mind, but with a strong sense of faith, you can overcome all setbacks and acquire deep knowledge in the love of God. Carry the Word of Christ as close to your heart and it shall see you through every adversity you may encounter.

Proper Education Is The Path to Success

Just as a student cannot expect to achieve excellent grades in school if they do not regularly study before their tests, it is not possible to maintain or grow our faith in God, if we cannot make it a habit to study his word. Without developing our faith in our heavenly Father, we suffer in life through the numerous challenges that we encounter. We undergo these tribulations unaware that their solutions are found in reading Christ’s word.  

Saint Cupertino is here to make it known to us that those who put their faith in God are those who read the word of Christ and believe in it. Those who do so, draw God closer to them and they are assured of blessings and help when need be from him.

He is a man of his words and he will grant you all that he has promised. God is not in any way stunned by your trials or struggles and he will come through at all times. Saint Cupertino offers to intercede for you to the Lord when you feel as if your faith is diminishing over the unending problems you are experiencing. 

Take Up Classes

One should make it a habit of continuous learning and seek spiritual growth. In our modern society where technology moves at lightning speed and new ideas are springing up all over, God’s people cannot be left behind. For only when we acquire wisdom can we truly apply proper discernment and deny the Devil’s attempts to sway our hearts.

It is true that Christ came for the poor and lowly, but that does not mean we remain poor in thought and spirit. Jesus loves the poor but not the idea of poverty itself. God wants us to be properly educated in His ways and to acquiring the right knowledge that will enable us to make our mark on this world. He brings us gifts & opportunities to succeed in life because He wishes us to prosper and be self-sufficient.

It is our divine calling to learn the ways of God, and to constantly upgrade our skills, abilities & talents so that we can give back to the world in a way that glorifies God. If there is something new that you’ve always wanted to learn, a new hobby, passion or skills that will enrich your job and life, procrastinate no longer and make small steps to facilitate your learning today!

The Degree of Our Faith Shapes Our Lives

In whatever activities we do in life, to efficiently get good results, we ought to keep learning. Similarly, the Bible states that those studying the word of Christ and abiding by it, make them his learners or rather are truly his Disciples. This means we are learning what it means to follow Christ as it will help us get a new understanding of him.

Saint Cupertino is making it known to us that being a Christian is getting to learn about Christ personally and not just facts about him. This requires us to abide by his word and obey him. We become learners of Christ when we avoid undesirable behaviors, think rightly, lead a pure life, ease our hearts to acceptance of God’s correction as well as remain connected to the life of God. This is achievable when we live our lives for the sake of Christ. 

When we live as learners of Christ, we are certain that we will receive salvation and get enlightened on how it was brought to us. The saint is here to tell you that true Christians are those who learn to know and live for Christ. It is through learning his word of who he is and what he sacrificed for the sake of the restoration of our relationship with God. Being learners of Christ will enable us to have our lives and all that entails it revolves around him.

Prayer to Saint Joseph of Cupertino

“Dear Saint Joseph of Cupertino, I thank you for making it known to me the importance of being a learner of Christ.

I am enlightened that I can achieve this by reading and following the word of Christ.

Help me to make it habitual to always study Christ’s word to grow and maintain my faith in my creator.

I beseech thee to act as my intercessor when my faith diminishes when it is aimed to act as my aid as I navigate through life.”

🙏 Amen 🙏

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February 9, 2025

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