
Archangel Michael – Your Personal Insurance

St. Michael the archangel wants you to know that whenever you hit a rough patch in your life, it’s okay to take time off to recover from whatever damages you may have experienced. As the defender of God’s faithful he consistently guards against contingencies or perils that might otherwise overtake us.

It is dangerous for one to go through life without proper coverage from personal insurance, for we are likely to pay a steep price. Yet our heavenly father has already made plans for us that shall see us prosper in good faith.

Our comprehensive whole life policy is already in place which indemnifies us from suffering and guarantees our salvation as long as we accept Christ into our hearts. God’s love is universal and his promises will never waver.

It’s easy to get caught up with trying to accomplish so many things in our life that sometimes we experience the serious effects of burn-out. This ultimately affects our quality of life and also hinders our ability to give glory to God through our actions. God knows the pure intentions of our hearts and he wants us to be always healthy and thriving.

It’s important to draw on the coverage that God has assured us and not neglect the wonderful gifts that He brings to our table each day. Let not our zealous hearts forget to claim his graces which will not only inspire us to live better, but also enjoy our well-deserved payout in His kingdom.

Our Policy Summaries

We are the masters of our own fate. God has gave to us the gift of free will which allows us to make our own decisions, and at the same time learn the value of responsibility. The onus is on us to make choices that will safeguard our loved ones and build a strong foundation in Christ for our eternal journey.

In return God has put in place many policies to see us prosper in goodness & love.

Plans to Insure Your Life

Do we live our lives taking each day as it comes or do we seek to do the work of the Lord and place our faith in His providence? Christ taught us that our life here on earth was not meant to be the final destination, but merely a staging point for when we are ready to be called to His side. As we go about our day we must always keep in mind we have been called to a higher purpose.

The greatest insurance that we can have for our being is to always stay connected in his divine love. To call upon Him in our time of need and to keep our faith burning brightly even in the toughest times.

Plans to Insure Your Health

"Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you." - Exodus 23:25

Residing in the presence of the Lord is the best medicine that our bodies can receive. Do not forsake your health in the pursuit of earthly desires, but take time to care for your bodies and feed your soul with nourishment that we may grow spiritually. Our health isn’t simply a physical condition but a manifestation of our internal well-being and happiness.

Plan to Insure Your Family

God knows how much we love & cherish our family and He promises to rain blessings & protection down on them like a dewfall. St. Michael has been charged to watch over you as you sleep and to ensure that no malicious darts draw near your home. Whenever we feel lost or surrounded by overwhelming forces, call upon his name for assistance and he will answer.

Accepting the Contract

Through the suffering of Jesus Christ, we have been given a new covenant that ensures our salvation. It is one thing to say that we love God, but another to truly accept the covenant that He has granted to us in His kindness & mercy. Accepting our personal contract with God takes place every single day.

God knows the temptation all around us and our tendency to commit sin even when we claim to follow Him, this is why He gave us a way to renew our contract of faith in Him every single day. When we spend time in prayer, thanksgiving and confess our sins in remorse, He will keep to his word and fulfill all of His promises to us.

Protect What Is Most Important to You

Having strong insurance in place for the things that matter most to us is something that cannot be overlooked. We all have different priorities and passions that we value over others. Some of us value the time spent with our families instead of pursuing challenging careers. Others value time spent with God instead of socializing with others. This was why He made us after all, to experience the fullness of life and to bask in His love.

Do not neglect God when we pursue the things that we love and lift them into His divine protection. Whenever we are feeling anxious or afraid, St. Michael our great protector is just a call away, ready to vanquish all evil and drive back our foes.

Prayer for St. Michael’s Intercession

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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

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September 28, 2024

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