
St. John – God’s Unending Love

Dear Christ’s brothers and sisters in Christ, as a follower of Jesus I have firsthand knowledge of God’s incomprehensible love. I’ve witnessed his love in countless ways throughout my life, from the miracle of his son’s birth to the countless healings and transformations that occurred during Jesus’ ministry. It is an infinite, unconditional love that is available to all who seek it.

The Origin of Love

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” – Matthew 22:37

God doesn’t just tell us to love one another, in fact, the bible tells us the God himself is love! Every time we display love to others and our selves, we are directly connecting to the infinite power of God. You see following God’s word isn’t all that hard, for us Christ told us the most important thing that we must carry in our hearts is love.

Anything that is done out of love will always be received well in the Lord. For everything He does, creates, and aspires for us stems from this love. Out of his desire for us to experience the fullness of life, He gave us free will, that we too may choose to share in his boundless love.

Because he is the creator of love, when your love for one another aligns with God’s principles, it will run smoother, work better, feel richer, be kinder, and have a sweeter influence on others. We can rely on this love.

As the followers of Christ, the fullest expression of our faith is love for God and for our neighbors. We should love others because God first loved us. Our love for one another is a manifestation of God’s infinite love that is brought to life each time we choose to use it. We demonstrate the same kind of selfless, sacrificial love to others, thereby witnessing God’s love in Jesus Christ.

The Love of Christ

Jesus said “I Love You” with his life by showing up for all of us and giving us hope in our messy lives. He left His throne to come to earth and save us from ourselves. We can learn to love ourselves and others only through His life and presence in our hearts.

“Love is kind and patient. It is not envious, boastful, or proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4–8). This is the kind of love we must demonstrate. Love is more than just a feeling; it is a decision. Jesus was not forced to love us. He chose to love us with open arms nailed to the cross. Jesus is love.

Time and again, God has displayed so many ways in the bible to show that He truly loves us no matter how much we turn away from him. Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross was a means of saving us from the shackles of our own sin which prevented us from reconciliation in God.

Abiding in God’s Love

The God who created the universe, the most powerful being ever, loves you personally and wants to form a unique relationship with you. He adores you for who you are, and formed you out of this love. Even if you’ve spent your entire life running from God or doing things you regret, He still loves you and desires a relationship with you.

God’s love is unconditional and infinite — far, far beyond what even the best of people are capable of. God commands those who follow Him to love one another. An imperfect picture of God’s love can be found among sincere believers whose hearts God has changed.

So, how do you repay God’s love? We can only repay this by obeying God, always listening and spreading His love to others, and always abiding by His words.

Sharing God’s Love

God loves us so much. He desires that we experience incredible, life-changing love, mercy, and compassion not only from him, but also from those around us. And he wants us to share that love with others.

The call to love and help others in tangible ways, especially those weaker than ourselves, runs throughout the Bible. We must love our neighbors, foreigners, and enemies – just as he forgave us and continued to love us in our sin. The call to love is often difficult, but it is also a reminder of how God loves us: relentlessly, completely, and without expectation of return.

Let Us Pray

Dear Heavenly Father, your word says that no matter what happens around me, your love will never leave me. Your peace will always be my portion, and you will always be with me. I believe those words, Lord, and I know that your love will endure. I claim your Love today! Give me the strength and courage to be a vessel of our love & teachings in this world.

St. John, the apostle, pray for us. Amen 🙏
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July 13, 2024

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