
Our Lady – Recovery Through Grace

The process of recovery is not an easy one and it requires plenty of sacrifice and discipline. No one is free from scars of the past, but we know that Christ is the one that will bring us through salvation and healing.

Whatever traumas you have faced in your life, whether you’ve lost something or someone dear to you, or perhaps faced with unfavorable health conditions, there will always be some one who walks along side you.

Our Lady appears to those of humbled heart and pure minds. Her message is simple, the road to recovery and total healing begins today.

As children of God, we are privileged to be beneficiaries of his mercies and graces. However, due to our human nature, we often lose our grace by indulging in sin and running away from the presence of God.

In such moments, we are disconnected from the healing power of the Spirit and we lose our divine spark. Our lady brings us a message of hope by revealing to us that we can recover our grace by coming back to God and seeking his forgiveness. He does not require us to offer great sacrifices, but only that we turn to Him in our hour of need.

Collect Data Before Making Decisions

When faced with tough problems, many take a reactionary stance and try to face the issues as they pop up.

Our Lady tells us that there is no problem we cannot overcome, as long as we approach situations with wisdom and grace.

Just as Solomon was blessed with the wisdom of the Lord and accomplished a great number of majestic feats. The truth is that the Lord’s wisdom isn’t saved for a select few, but all of us have been blessed with a divine connection to Him.

The onus is on us to call upon Him for guidance and discernment, do not let despair take hold in troubling times but count on the fortitude of the Lord.

Before making major decisions in life, it is always important for us to gather data before making decisions. Sometimes we miss out the smallest of things because we are so drawn into the circumstance or bogged down by emotions that we fail to see the right solution.

Lady’s message today is simple, also take into account all factors and context of a situation before jumping to conclusions and do not let emotions cloud your judgement.

Data is important because it is key in making key decisions, and proper application of information is the crux of our Catholic faith.

Look At The Facts, Instead of Emotion

Many a times we have succumbed to our emotions and made poor decisions that we might regret in future. The adversary preys on our emotions and can twist things such that we get all flustered and unable to think logically.

In order to employ the wisdom of the Lord, Our Lady is calling on us to always think with a calm mind. Let faith lead your thoughts and guard your emotions closely.

In the bible, the story of Job is an epitome of how well we need to guard our faith regardless of the challenges that we encounter.

Job went through an overwhelming roller coaster of incidents in his lifetime, from being wealthy to losing his family, yet His faith in the Lord never waivered.

At the height of his troubles, his defeated wife even advised him to “curse God and die”, yet Job held steadfast to his faith instead of allowing his emotions to get the better of him.

Our Lady is challenging us to take care of our faith and hold unto it for it is the spiritual data linking us to God. Just like Job, we should treasure it and cling unto it even when we are face with afflictions, for God’s salvation will be swift and mighty to those you maintain their faith in Him.

Rely On Backups to Recover From Setback

Our faith journey isn’t meant to be a one man trip, but as Catholics we are blessed with a powerful community on earth and in heaven who act as our backup in the trying times.

Do not forget the power of community when it comes to solving problems and facing hard times. In moments where we face spiritual crisis and our faith is tested, Our Lady is reminding us that we should draw power from our friends and heavenly guides that are eager to come to our aid.

When faith is shared amongst believers, it is multiplied and becomes an unstoppable force that will overcome all evil traps and temptations that the devil may muster.

In such moments, Our Lady is reminding us we need to reach out to our friends who are our prayer partners and seek their help. Being our spiritual data backup drive, they will indeed transfer some of their faith to us and we will be able to fight back when spiritually attacked. On the other hand, they will fight for us before we are able to get back on our feet.  We all need prayer warriors in our circles to ensure our spiritual safety when we are spiritually drained as well be the ones to protect them.

Prayer to Our Lady

“Dear Holy Mother, I thank you for your presence and the graces that you have brought in to my life. I am humbly request that you continue to intercede for me to the heavens, that I may recover from any past hurt, pain and limitations and once more be regarded as a child of the light. May I regain my spiritual sparkle so that I may attract more people to seek God. Amen”

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September 28, 2024

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