
Our Lady of Fatima – Solar Panels of Faith

Our Lady of Fatima is the loving mother of Jesus and carries with her the promise of graces, blessings and favor. She appeared to 3 shepherd children in 1916 who described her as “a Lady more brilliant than the Sun”. The light that she brings is no surprise, for she was immaculate and divine in her faithfulness to God.

When turn to look upon the bright face of Our Lady for solace and help, we can’t help but feel energized in her radiance on power. For she is the shining example of how we as Christians should live.

our lady of fatima
“O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

Our Lady brings peace and solitude to those who seek. She wants us to know that happiness doesn’t flow “to” us but rather “through” us, for we are all vessels for the Lord’s love. We are solar panels of the energy that radiates from the Lord. And together as one, we are the chosen people to bring His power and promises to the ends of the earth.

It is important that we remain connected to the light through our prayers, devotions and actions.

Distributing Positive Energy

Our Lady wants us to find joy in every situation that we are facing. For it is when we identify the joy in life that we can spread it with greater amplitude to others. The joy that we share with others multiplies and is reflected back to us in larger force.

Every being on earth is part of this complex grid that is capable of powering up the world with love, happiness and abundant blessings. Instead of trying to find fulfilment outside of ourselves in addictions or vice, She calls on us to work together for the glory of God and to exalt his name in everything that we do. She knows our innermost desires, weaknesses and needs, and as our Heavenly mother she showers us with the love and blessings we need to grow and flourish in life.

Ever faithful and always watching over us, Our Lady allows us to make our own decisions in order to learn and grow spiritually, but also intervenes in moments where we are hurt and in need of assistance. Take whatever intentions, petitions or requests that you have to her and he will intercede on our behalf just as a loving mother does for her beloved children.

Though we may sometimes forget about her, she never forgets her children and calls on us to share in her eternal light whilst spreading a little bit of love and energy to those around us daily. No matter how far we have fallen, our affectionate mother will always be ready to embrace us in her love & compassion when we repent.

A Beacon for Miracles

Do you feel that divine intervention is something that you only read in books or do you truly believe in miracles? When we are desperate and anxious do we only rely on our human abilities or do we reach out to our Heavenly mother in prayer?

Our Lady represents the pinnacle of love and is the bringer of miracles to all who come to her in faith and humility. In fact, it was through her unshakeable faith that God chose to work his greatest miracle – the birth of Jesus. Let there be no doubts in your mind when you call upon her kind intercession, and trust in her divine wisdom that She will grant us the best ways to overcome all.

Her chief desire is for us to draw closer in faith and share in the promises of the living God, and she will do everything in her power to grant assistance to all the faithful.

How To Power Up Your Life

Our Lady wants us to be the solar panels of God’s love and radiance. This means that we not only absorb the love, divine energies and grace from the Lord, but also utilize it to power the world around us. God’s love was never meant to be kept alone in secret or to horde for oneself, but it multiplies many times over when shared with others.

As Christians we are not only the guardians of His love, but advocates for His kingdom and the bearers of his light. Today we are encourage to:

  • Meet new people and treat them with kindness
  • Be the light for your family – love starts at home!
  • Do not be afraid to try out new things and experiences
  • Speak kind words and lift up others
  • Seek out the joy in everything we do
  • Do things out of love & compassion

She takes delight when we live our lives to the fullest, without inhibitions whilst being an example of God’s love.

(Very Powerful) Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima for Miracles

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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

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December 28, 2024

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