
St. Christopher – Insurance for Your Travels in Life

St. Christopher has appeared to you today to let you know that your life journey has been blessed and protected.

It’s just as important to equip yourself with knowledge as it is to pack your luggage whilst preparing for a trip. Make sure that you are ready for the journey physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

In our lives journey we may encounter many unexpected events that may test as at times. St. Christopher is here to let you know that your divine route has already been planned out since the beginning. Just like the excitement you get wandering in a foreign country, one should face life’s experiences with and an eager spirit.

After all our journey here on this earth is but a temporary dwelling, and the more important destination is to carry our faith boldly and to reach God’s graces.

The Story of St. Christopher

The well-known and revered Saint Christopher, known as the patron saint of all travelers, was a martyr who lived in the Roman Empire.

According to the legend, he was crossing a dangerous river when a child asked him to be carried across. Although St. Christopher was a man of great physical stature and strength, he felt the child was extremely heavy when he lifted it on his shoulders.

When they arrived at the opposite shore safely, the child identified himself as Christ and was told that he just carried the weight of the world and the One who created it.

Additionally, other legends stated that St. Christopher traveled after that incident and evangelized thousands of people.

Unfortunately, he was detained and ordered to sacrifice to an emperor but refused even being tempted with women and money. He was tried to be assassinated multiple times and failed but eventually, he was arrested and beheaded.

His story has been passed down from generation to generation despite not having certainty that it all happened. There was even no specific date of his beatification or canonization.

Many details of St. Christopher’s life have been lost, but he still became one of the most popular heroes of faith.

His name and images are commonly worn as medals and pendants, especially by travelers like explorers, mariners, drivers, and surfers not only to show devotion but to request safety and protection from sudden death. Many homes, bridges, and churches also placed images and statues of him, so he could be easily seen.

Weary Traveller, Let Faith Be Your Guide

There is great faith when trusting St. Christopher by wearing his image as charms with inscriptions “St. Christopher Be My Guide” However, there are legitimate protections that you can carry and have real peace of mind.

Just as we invest in various insurance policies to cover our time on earth, faith is the shield which provides as with total life coverage. Whilst the insurance we purchase from financial institutions acts as a hedge from any damages and losses in the future, our spiritual insurance is bought not with money, but through prayer and devotion. 

Life Insurance from St. Michael

You can purchase your spiritual life insurance today by calling upon St. Michael the archangel for coverage and protection. Instead of paying expensive premiums to cover the term of this contract, you can secure your future with daily prayer.

Health Insurance Coverage by St. Raphael

Your health and medical care has been covered by St. Raphael the archangel. Pray to him for healing in both physical and emotional pain or suffering and he will answer.

Travel Insurance – St. Christopher

You journey through life is not something that you must undertake alone. God has sent saints like St. Christopher to pave the way and to guide you back to him. Start to make more faith-based decisions in your life, as long as you have noble intentions, you will find that you will travel close to God each day. Sometimes the road less travelled is the path we must take to salvation.

Home & Property Insurance Coverage – St. Benedict

Whilst you want to cover your home for physical damage, make sure you don’t neglect turning to St. Benedict for protection on your property and dwelling as well! The sight of St. Benedict’s Cross strikes fear in the hearts of the unfaithful and protects from negative energies entering into your home.

These are just a few types of protection and security that you should consider to insure your home and your family. 

Devotion to St. Christopher:

Blessed St. Christopher, I celebrate your memory for bringing child Jesus Christ into safety. I thank you for your intentions of safety and protection towards people. Protect me and my travels along the way. Give me a sign when danger is near and direct me until the path is clear. Carry me safely to my destiny like you carried Christ in your embrace. This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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February 26, 2025

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