
St. Padre Pio – Your Steps Are Protected Wherever You Go

We come together today to recognize that as we walk through life at our own pace, God is continually preparing the route ahead with the desire to grant us the very best that life has to offer. The heavenly father knows the path that lies ahead, and is constantly making us ready for what it to come.

“Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.” – Psalm 119:133

As we navigate life searching for meaningful connections, I want to remind you that you are merely an individual but your fate is intertwined with a vast network of people, emotions and decisions that are brought about by hosting God in your life. This is what the Kingdom of God truly is about – becoming a part of his divine communion.

Sometimes we may wonder how did we stray so far from the road, or even experience moments of doubt as to where life is leading as at this point in time. Do not despair for as long as you are connected to the Spirit of God in this intricate network, all roads will eventually lead back to Him.

Complete What You Have Started

“Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling.” Psalm 91:9-10

Dear child, open your hearts this very day and host the Lord in your spirit! God will complete all that He has started, and His divine love will see you through. It may be tempting at times to go your own way, but by yielding and following God’s direction you shall feel an even greater sense of empowerment in your life.

Unfortunately, many people go through life with a sense of dread and monotony, for they have not yet encountered any true purpose to work towards. As children of God this is never the case. For we know that God has an intricate masterplan laid out for us, and a calling that we must fulfil.

Remember that you are part of a divine network which is directly connected to the heart of Jesus. Each one us walks with a specific calling that is unique only to us, for God has plans and uses for us in a myriad of different ways. Let this calling placed upon your life be fulfilled in the name and glory of Christ.

An Assurance Like No Other

God’s direction is the only real insurance for the journey ahead. Today as we decree that Christ is at the helm of our lives, steering and guiding our steps onwards, we know that we will never stray too far from the right path.

We place our trust that God will guide us to be alongside the right people and in the right situations. We shall learn to discern the voice of the Lord, and never follow the promptings of the adversary.

Today we make the pledge that we refuse to fear, to buckle or to back down in the face of adversity. For we have been empowered by the might of the Living God. In the name of Christ who watches over all of His children and from whom all goodness comes, how can we ever fail in our task?

As long as Christ’s love and teachings reside in your heart, every step is guided and every move is protected. Your eternal reward awaits. Embrace the journey with faith, and let His divine protection be your guiding light.

May you always find solace in the protective embrace of our Heavenly Father. Knowing with full confidence that you are never alone; your steps are protected wherever you go. And the peace of the Lord shall follow you always.

Prayer for God to Protect Your Steps

Dearest Father,
We come before You today with gratitude and humility, recognizing Your sovereignty, love, and grace in every moment of our lives.
We thank You for the gift of life and the countless blessings You bestow upon us daily.

Lord, as we journey through the winding paths of our existence, we ask that You protect our steps.
May we tread confidently, knowing that You are our shield and protector, guarding us from harm and leading us away from temptation.
Grant us the wisdom to recognize the pitfalls that may lay before us and the strength to overcome them.

Guide our hearts, O God, so that we may align ourselves with Your divine purpose.
Illuminate our minds, so that in every decision and every action, we may discern and heed Your heavenly calling.
In moments of uncertainty, may we hear Your gentle whisper, steering us towards Your plan and purpose.

Fill our souls with a burning passion to serve and love You wholeheartedly.
Let Your love be the guiding light in our lives, pushing away the darkness and illuminating the path to our heavenly calling.

We entrust our lives into Your merciful hands, O Lord.
Walk beside us, guide our steps, and lead us ever closer to the life You’ve envisioned for us.

In the precious name of Jesus, we pray.

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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

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September 29, 2024

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