
St. Michael – Divine Currents

Every action that we take in life creates currents that slowly trickle outwards and affects does around us.

The amount of energy that we put in to doing our daily tasks will eventually be reflected back to us.

Colossians 3:23-24 tells us that “whatever you do, work heartily as though you are doing it for God and not men, knowing that you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

In our Christian vocation, energy is everything. We are not a people of laziness or procrastination, we are a people of action and persistence.

And the way to be constantly fueled up with energy and power, is to lead all things with love.

Picture this, if you work a 9-5 desk job in a company that you hate with bosses that have no empathy or care for their employees, we tend to exhibit low energy levels and lower productive output – because our daily work feels meaningless and disenchanted.

In contrast when doing the things that we love, it’s almost like someone hit the light switch on and we’re filled with renewed power and energy to enjoy our beloved activities.

Saint Michael has been sent to remind us that our life is filled with excitement and adventure, it is a wonderful journey where we have countless of opportunities to please God and to revel in his blessings.

As God’s children, we are also filled with His love and divine might. Do not be governed by earthly restrictions and rules that have been imposed upon us, but rather take charge of our lives and put in the energy to create an amazing life that we will remember.

Pump Up Your Dopamine Levels by Doing God’s Work

If you did not already know, dopamine is often called the “happiness hormone” and it has a big impact on our energy levels, motivation and satisfaction.

Unfortunately for many of us, we rely on not so healthy ways to regulate our dopamine levels – such as playing phone games, watching netflix for countless of hours or other mindless addictions that serve no real purpose in our lives.

In small doses, these activities are okay, but the problem is that we become addicted to them because of the little “kicks” we get in our dopamine levels when partaking in these activities – so much so that it consumes a large part of our lives.

St. Michael wants you to know that there is another way that will raise your happiness levels that is healthy, sustainable and good for our souls – and that is through doing deeds which are aligned with God’s teachings.

As Catholics we revel in situations when God’s love triumphs, and are called to take action to help those in need.

When we take small actions to bring love into other’s lives every day, we reinforce our heavenly calling and wire our brains to become “addicted” to doing God’s holy work.

The only true happiness that we should strive for is to be in constant connection with Our Lord for the temporary excitements of things like watching the television, social media and other vices do not provide a stable state of happiness for us.

Today’s message is a call to raise our dopamine levels when doing small actions of love for others. When we make the effort to to do this every day, we become happier and we become spiritually closer to our Heavenly Father who looks upon us with pride and favor.

Allow God to Electrify Your Life

The devil seeks to tempt us with many things that create the false illusion of “happiness” and “contentment”, such as the mini vices that we are addicted to in order to seek out something that will spike our dopamine levels.

In doing so we become reliant on these forms of entertainment and begin to lose our “power” as children of God.

Especially in current times when social media algorithms have been trained to “attack” our dopamine levels at the weak points to keep us hooked for hours watching mindless content.

That is not to say that social media is evil, but as God teaches us, every good thing must be used in moderation.

St. Michael reminds us that the true source of power and happiness is only when we follow the light of Christ in our daily lives.

When we connect with the Father, we shall be filled with his graces and no longer feel depressed, unmotivated or undervalued.

In John 12:35, Jesus said to his disciples, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtakes you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going.”

Saint Michael is challenging us to allow God to electrify our lives. We do not have to live in the dark anymore for we are children of the kingdom of light.

Allow the divine current of Christ to flow through our hearts for he is the true power source that never runs dry.

Sometimes we fail to notice his presence because we have turned off the electric switch that is supposed to be on. We think he is not present yet he is waiting for us to turn the power on and let him fill our lives. 

Prayer to Saint Michael

Dear Saint Michael, I thank you for your unending protection in my life and the immense love you have shown me.

Keep me always connected to the divine currents that flow only from our savior, Jesus Christ.

Light up my life and dispel the darkness that threatens to consume us.

Today I declare that I am a child of God and I will call upon His name.

I acknowledge Christ as the true source of all power and happiness in my life.

I call upon the Holy Spirit to fill me with fire and purpose, that I may spread His love and deeds to those that I encounter.

I pray that you may help me put energy into my work and appreciate that work is worship to God.

May I never be in the dark but always rely on God as my protector, saviour and guide.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.”


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February 28, 2025

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