
Archangel Raphael – Your Debt Has Been Paid In Full

Sent to you today is the divine healer of physical ailments Archangel Raphael to announce to you that you are free from physical and emotional debts.

In case you have been feeling weary and anxious, your guardian angel is giving you the assurance that you do not need to worry anymore since he is always by your side whenever you need his help.

A Loan From God

Have you ever been in a situation that left you miserable and someone helped you out before you gave up? Ever had an experience that made you think that surely the God who sealed the Lions’ mouth and saved Daniel from the den, is by your side.

Sometimes God does miracles in our lives when we are on the verge of giving up and when we are helpless. Just before we fall down, He lifts and exalts us – sparing us from staining ourselves with mud. These miracles may make us feel forever indebted to him and always looking for ways to repay Him or show our gratitude.

Your guardian angel is assuring you that God is your father and as His son, you do not have to feel indebted. He loves you and miracles are a way of expressing His love for you, just like how a parent never sits back and watch their children fall down when they can prevent the fall. The love God has for you cannot be equated to the love among human beings. While people may love you due to the benefits they get by being associated with you, your guardian angel is reminding you that God loves you unconditionally. Even when you feel burdened by sin, His love never declines.

In Matthew 18: 13-15, you are assured that; just as a man would leave ninety-nine sheep and go in search of one lost sheep, God loves you enough to go in search of you when you are lost. Whenever you lose your way and cannot find the right path, just hold on; your guardian angel will be there by your side. You won’t be alone and you will not need to feel indebted for having him look out for you. 

When The Debt Was Paid

We are all born into original sin, inherited from the fall of man during creation. As we progress with our lives, we inevitably accrue a huge debt of sin that we can never pay off in time.

Yet we can take comfort that the entire loan price was paid on the cross by God’s only son Jesus, and from there we became children of God. 

Sometimes we fall for temptations and commit grave sins that make us bow our heads in shame and our conscience becomes covered by guilt. In those moments, just as Adam and Eve hid from God in the bushes after committing sin, we distance ourselves from God and forget that He sees us and even in the darkest part of our hearts.

Just like a man who defaults on his loans tries to avoid the debt collector, we too are sometimes guilty of avoiding our omniscient father in heaven. The devil tries to poison our minds telling us we do not deserve His forgiveness and making us feel unworthy in His presence.

Today St. Raphael rebukes this false message and announces that we should never feel too guilty in the face of God’s forgiveness. There is no sin so great that God cannot forgive when you repent. Instead we should be striving to make amends right now.

Since we owe God a debt of gratitude, we must make efforts to repay his generous loan. Do not hide or go into isolation. God is not an angry debt collector demanding his dues, instead all he asks is for us to seek a relationship with him and walk in his ways.

St. Raphael has interceded on our behalf and is guiding us onto a path of spiritual healing that will revitalize our souls.

Seek Healing From The Divine Healer of Physical Ailments

We pray to Archangel Raphael when we need healing both physically and spiritually. By imploring his help, he takes our petitions to God who grants us healing according to His will. If you feel the urge to honour the archangel you may find the prayer below useful:

“Oh Archangel Raphael, the medicine of God, the divine healer, you who conquered and defeated the demon Asmodeus. I implore you to protect me and grant me victory over my temptations. You who restored sight to the blind Tobit, I pray that you may restore my spiritual eyes so that I may gain clarity of the path that God has set out for me. Thank you for assuring me that I need not feel indebted to God for His love for me. This I pray while trusting and believing in the name of Jesus. Amen”

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March 28, 2025

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