
St. John – Dear One, Your Divine Connection Runs Deep & Your Heart Is Pure. Today I Challenge You To Secure and Maintain a Network with God’s Love

My Child, how often do you allow God’s manifest his presence your life? As humans we are subject to our own impulses and sinful nature, and without the the much needed connection to the Lord, we are like ships sailing around in the dark. However, worry not for I ,Saint John, am well versed on how to create and maintain a network with the supreme power, and as long as your hearts are pure you will always be drawn towards the signal of salvation.

As Christians we cannot escape from the fact that God wants us all to be connected. No man is an island, and certainly not those who place their hope upon the Lord. This is why we have been invite to be one in body with Christ. Jesus did not tell us to seek him alone, but he tasked us to be one with him in mind & hearts.

Whilst you always seek to maintain our divine connection to the Lord, may you also never lose sight of also connecting with others and the heavenly saints who guide and intercede on your behalf. As one of God’s beloved child, remember always that you are never alone.

Creating a Strong Signal

Don’t you just hate it when you try to reach someone on your phone and the call doesn’t go through because of poor reception? Does it sometimes seem like God is too far away and you are unable to reach him? Why is it that when we call on Him with our prayers that he does not answer us immediately or definitely?

As humans we often seek confirmation with our senses, we need to be stimulated by touch, feel and hearing to be assured. But it is folly to expect to reach God with our own human perceptions for the true connection that we have to God lies in our hearts.

Like Christ said to Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed.” It is our faith that binds us and draws us closer to God. Because of his great love for us, we have been given a choice to trust in his divine promises or to rely on our own intuitions.

Yet he is always available even when it feels as if he is miles away from you. His response may not be immediate, but he sees all your devotions, prayers and efforts. In due time, he will give his response. At times his reply might not be as per your wishes but whatever he gives will always be for your goodness and prosperity – whether in this life or the next.

As your saint, I am here to let you know that God is charmed to people who acknowledge his significance in their lives. He doesn’t allow them to endure sufferings but instead he is always on go to grant them with the things they mentioned in their petitions or those that are in their hearts. I am advising you to grow your faith in God and witness for a transformative change in your life. 

When you are feeling disturbed or angry about something, communicate to him and his peace will prevail in you. You might perceive his response through signs, dreams or people. As you communicate to him, request for wisdom to be enabled to understand messages disseminated by him.

Connecting to Christ’s Network

Did you think that I would leave you alone to fight your own battles and be overwhelmed? Each and every one of you have been created in his image & likeness to love one another and remain in connection to the body of Christ.

Take for example our prayer community of at least 100,000 strong, reading devotions and prayer for each other’s requests every single day. Or the thousands of saints in heaven that will intercede for your needs in a heartbeat. You need only to look around and find allies in every corner.

The network of God runs deep and will never dry, just like his promises and graces. Whenever you feel like you are limited, remember that you are part of something much larger. You are an important key to the kingdom of God, and every little contribution shall not go unnoticed.

Just as I and the other disciples sought to spread his love to the ends of the earth, so to are you chosen to bear his light for others and to build up the thriving community of God. Sure the church may be frequently persecuted by new ideologies, discoveries or media channels that spread hate & malcontent. But we the warriors of Christ are strong when we are united in God’s name.

You are now in a space where when you call unto the Lord, he will listen. Maintain this network by not letting go of Christ in your life. He is the channel to your success on earth and the sharing of God’s Kingdom thereafter. 

Give Praises and Worship to God

If you want to remain connected to the Lord, exalt him in all you do and do not be afraid to speak up in his name. In a world filled with mixed ideas and so much confusion, your voice matters. With honest intentions and a desire to seek good, God will amplify your voice and channel his love through you in ways that you would not have imagined.

Regularly use your voice and energy that he has bestowed upon you in this new day to glorify his name. I am certain that by doing so, you will have a connection with him that will lead you to victory in all the days of your life.

Once you identify the network that’s bringing you to success, do not refrain from sharing the knowledge with other people. Bring those who are willing into having a connection with the Lord and you will be securing more affluence from him.

Let Us Pray

“Our father, we admit that you are irreplaceable and worthy of every soul on earth. We are grateful for sending us Saint John who enlightens us on how to establish and preserve a network with you. Help us to remain deeply connected in your love and do our part to grow the kingdom of Christ. We pray that you may grant us the strength and wisdom to remain in a connection with you. Amen.”

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February 2, 2025

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