Today St Cajetan is here with a message that it is time to take stock of our heavenly equity.
How much have we truly invested in the kingdom of God and have we been able to earn our rightful place amongst Him in heaven?
The assets that we should value most in our life are that of faith and honest intentions. These far outweigh any of our earthly achievements that we have accomplished.
For God does not have any use for what is in our bank account, rather He is more interested in the time and energy we have invested into building His kingdom and spreading His love to those who have yet to receive it.
If we are to lay claim to God’s promise then we must also regard ourselves as shareholders that are willing to play our part before reaping the benefits.
Today is a great time for reflection and to grow our faith in the living God.
The Worth of Our Investments
Sometimes we reach a point where we think that our contributions are too small to matter. Yet God does not see the quantity we put in, but rather the real worth in our hearts and intentions.
In the bible (Mark 12:41-44), Jesus was with his disciples in the temple sitting across the treasury where he watched many rich people offer large sums of money. A poor widow came and gave up two copper coins.
Seemingly small compared to the donations of the wealthy, Christ delivered the teaching that her contributions were larger in the eyes of God because those two copper coin were worth much more to her than whatever the rich people put in.
Because the rich had more to spare yet the poor widow offered to God all that she had.
Today we are reminded that we can increase our heavenly equity by investing more. The worth of our investments is not measured by how much we offer but by the state of our hearts when making the investments.
Those who make the greatest sacrifices are assured of more equity in heaven. However, making sacrifices includes offering our entire beings for the glory of God.
Romans 12:1-2 urges us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God for this is the true and proper worship.
It further urges us not to conform to the pattern of the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Then we will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Trading The Desires of the Flesh
Like any company has to dispose off the liabilities that negatively affects its equity, we are called upon to trade the desires on the flesh.
In the book of Galatians 5:13-15, we are called upon to walk by the spirit and not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are opposed to those of the spirit.
If we are led by the flesh then we are exposed to behaviors such as; hatred, jealousy, adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, sorcery, drunkenness, idolatry, outbursts of wrath, dissensions, murders among other vices.
By practicing such, we will not join in the dividend allocations because we will have no share of equity in the kingdom of God.
Saint Cajetan thus advises us to choose the path of righteousness and lead a holy life. Just as Colossians 3:1-3 states
“if you were raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
We are called upon to increase our heavenly stock by trading our desires and choosing to instead walk with full guidance of the Spirit.
Storing our Assets in Heaven
Just as we maintain assets on earth for stability and survival,
Whilst financial assets are the determinant of a person’s net worth on earth and give us stability, so too are the heavenly assets that we have accumulated across our life.
If they are well taken care of, they have the capacity to compound and even give value to others.
Matthew 6:19-20 advises us to lay not our treasures upon the earth where moth and rust corrupts and thieves break through and steal but we are called upon to lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where there are no moths, rust and thieves.
This means that we ought to invest in our spirituality as opposed to material wealth.
Saint Cajetan is reminding us that we are not living forever here on earth for our final home is in heaven thus we should strive to invest there as opposed to making short-term investments here on earth.
The day of judgment draws near, where we shall finally be allocated our share of dividends and we receive rewards or punishment based on the capital that we have put in to grow God’s kingdom. If we can lead a righteous life that is free of sin and vices, then we shall await that fateful day with unworried hearts and a gracious smile.
Prayer to Saint Cajetan
“Dear Saint Cajetan, I have made investment mistakes in my life such as focusing on short-term investments and forgetting that the long-term investments will determine my heavenly equity.
Here my humble prayer, and intercede for me, that I may overcome distractions and focus on my true calling in Christ.
Steel me with faith, that I shall transcend desires of the flesh and seek only the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Guide me as I grow my assets for Heaven and put the gifts that God has given me to grow His kingdom.
In all things, I shall trust in the mercy and promises of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
St. Cajetan, pray for us.”
Amen 🙏