
St. Isaiah – Honoring Your Contract

Forget your worries and the pain of past tribulations for St. Isaiah comes bringing support and strength in the trying times. Just as he prophesized the coming of the Messiah, St. Isaiah wants us to know that the Lord’s agreement with men holds fast till the end of time.

The time for prosperity and salvation draws near, as long as we uphold our promises and the divine contract as children of God.

For those who have accepted the risen Lord have renewed the old covenant and are warmly invited to share in the eternal joy and love that springs from Him.

You do not need to fear the judgement or wrath of the Lord, for He is our rock of refuge. Be mindful of investing in your future through your deeds, skills and vocation.

The Lord does not require us to do great deeds, but to achieve small deeds with great love.

Our Heavenly Contract

"for whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith." - 1 John 5:4

Our contract with the Lord is one that works both ways and is bounded by faith. With faith we are able to overcome all.

Whilst St. Isaiah guides us along the way and leads us away from evil and temptation, this doesn’t mean that we will never encounter setbacks or trials in our life. It is normal for us to sometimes falter at times, but as long as we hold steadfast to the faith that in the Lord everything will turn out well in the end.

Our contract with the Lord is one that unfolds over the long haul and the enduring message is that God will never forget His children no matter how much they have been through. For we have already been promise the title to his kingdom and have been chosen to partake his goodness.

This is what we truly deserve and St. Isaiah reminds us that we should always trust in the providence of the Lord.

In times when we feel neglected and feel like we have been withheld the miracles that we desperately, St. Isaiah reassures us that the Lord does not withhold salvation from His people, we simply need to establish a stronger connection to our faith to open the doors to the many possibilities in our life.

The Deed

Whilst verbal agreement is easy to commit, our deeds are what reveals our truest intentions.

God’s desire is to keep us safe, and for our families to prosper and grow in love. This is why we have been blessed with guidance and gifts from our heavenly guides throughout our lives, through miracles seen or unseen.

He sees through our hearts and knows that we are deserving of our promised place at His side.

The question then isn’t “will I go to Heaven”, but rather “what can I contribute to be worthy of God’s gift of everlasting life”?

This was why we where given the special mission here, to fulfil our contract of love and to spread God’s light to the ends of the earth.

The Love That Binds

Since His great sacrifice on the cross, Christ made the offer to all of us that we shall receive salvation as long as we accept Him into our hearts and minds.

Thus we are called to enjoy life to the fullest whilst remembering his teachings. Live with love, give birth to fresh ideas and bask in the blessings that rain upon us every single day.

Fear not the adversary that prowls in the night for the Lord has sent his angels and holy saints to watch our us and steer us from the storms.

St. Isaiah watches over us as guide and protector over the challenges that we face. Do not be drawn into despair when some challenges may seem too big and surmounting to overcome, for when we look back over the years and see all that we have overcome we shall know that the Lord keeps his promises to His children.

Lead with faith and keep the fire of the love burning bright in our hearts and those of others, and in doing so we shall be made worthy of His eternal love.

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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

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January 28, 2025

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