
St. Joseph – Making Home Improvements

Just like the saying, “charity begins at home”, Saint Joseph has been sent to us to let us know that it is time to improve ourselves since we are the homes of the holy spirit. Before taking up the challenge to evangelize Christ to others we are called upon to invite him into our homes and let him be a permanent resident.

Our human nature sometimes misleads us into welcoming Christ into our homes when we are experiencing challenges and, we forget about him in our happy moments thus we make him a temporary resident.

In simple words, Saint Joseph wants us to know that Christ is always ready to come into our homes and, we only need to invite him. In the bible, he assures us that he is standing at the door knocking and, if anyone hears his voice and opens the door he will come in and dine with him.

Although it is easy to be worried that our homes are not suitable enough for the residence of Christ, we have to know that he is the head of every home and he knows all our situations thus nothing can be hidden away from him. Once he comes into our homes, people will be quick to notice the random home improvements for he will get rid of our shame and cover us in his grace.

Renovating Our Homes

No matter how good a house is, it does not remain new and in good condition forever. Over time, it loses its initial appearance and thus requires renovation. With the renovation, improvements are made and it becomes more attractive and secure.

If a house requires improvements, why do we tend to assume that we can maintain a good relationship with God without renewing it constantly through faith and prayer?

Saint Joseph is challenging us to take up the initiative to renovate our homes so that when Christ comes, he will find us ready and in order. Without renovation, we end up fearing to open the door when he knocks, thus we lose the opportunity for him to come inside and improve our homes.
Here are some of the ways that we can renovate our homes;

  • Repentance – God understands that our human nature makes us prone to sin and we easily fall into temptations. However, he provides us an opportunity to seek his forgiveness and usher his grace into our lives by repenting. When we sin, our relationship with him becomes similar to a dilapidated house yet through repentance we renovate the relationship.
  • Prayer – There are many reasons why we engage in prayer and the main one is that prayer is a way of communicating with God. While we tend to use the opportunity to make plenty of requests, we are challenged to simply learn to talk to God without asking for anything. Instead of focusing only on the ways and things that God should provide unto us, we can tell him more about ourselves and soak into the power of being in his presence and invoking the heavenly team. This will ensure that we renew our relationship with God.

Doing It Yourself (DIY) In Christ’s Way

To make home improvements that are in line with our tastes we can adopt DIYs (Do it Yourself). While it is easier to seek the help of professionals to repair and decorate our homes, DIYs give us the chance to be creative and come up with something unique and customized to our preferences.

In life, there are plenty of decisions that we have to make individually knowing that they are accompanied by consequences. Regardless of the situation, nobody will come to save us hence we will have to find a way.

Saint Joseph is appealing to us to take up a personal initiative of seeking Christ. While it is easier to rely on our spiritual parents, evangelists, and friends to connect us with Christ, we are reminded that everyone ought to have a personal relationship with God. Although we may congregate with others to learn more about Christ and worship him, we have to embark on the journey to seek him on our own.

Repairing Our Homes

In our homes, we often find ourselves in situations that require us to make plenty of repairs. Sometimes there is a broken pipe, a socket that needs repair, or a crack that needs to be repaired among others. By making repairs, we get to mend some of the things that were not working and they begin to function.

Saint Joseph is challenging us to make the necessary repairs in our lives so that we can maintain a good relationship with God. Some of the indicators that signify that we need to make repairs are;

  • Having a bad relationship with our parents, guardians, or even spouses and children
  • Being unable to pray
  • Lack of guilt even when we sin or lead a sinful life
  • Failure to trust in God and constantly having worries about our lives
  • Selfishness – where we think we are more important than others and that we matter more than they do and thus we can treat them like they are nothing

Prayer to Saint Joseph

“Dear Saint Joseph, I thank you for coming into my life and helping me realize that it is time to make some improvements. I pray that I may be courageous enough to take up the challenge to embark on a spiritual DIY mission of seeking Christ. Bless my home and family with the grace of the Lord. Steel our faith that we may remain united, and spread the word of Christ. Help me identify the areas of my life that need spiritual repair. And guide my actions, that I may be drawn to my everlasting home with Christ.”

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March 4, 2025

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