
St. Jude Thaddeus – Igniting Your Passion to Seek Christ

Dearest one, how well do you know Christ? Can we truly claim to be children of the living God if we do not seek Him or know His ways?

It is only by seeking Christ that we can find true meaning, purpose, and joy in life. When we pursue Him with great passion, we open ourselves up to His love, His grace, and His guidance. Every day we should strive to feel God’s deep and calming presence in our lives.

Do not rely on mere motivation to keep you going, but rather form a strict habit of seeking Christ everyday. Do so and your path shall be filled with warmth, tenderness and abundance. For us Christians, our passion to seek Christ is not a mere short burst of enthusiasm – it is a lifelong journey with a beautiful ending.

Whatever difficulties may come your way, or whatever sinful distractions that seek to pull you away from the core of your faith, God shall always remain constant in your life. He will lead you down the righteous path if you seek him with all your heart, soul, and mind. For He is our everlasting salvation and strength when all else fails.

The Value Of Seeking Christ

The very basis of our faith begins with the salvation that comes with Christ. Sometimes we feel that God may be distant, but He is closer to you than you think. He makes himself known to all through the little things.

Jesus reveals himself to us through the displays of grace in others. The act of seeking is a deliberate attempt to approach God through ordinary means; it involves directing our thoughts and hearts toward God throughout all of our experiences and through the channels of his revelation. This is what it means to pursue God.

You should therefore seek Christ with all of your heart. Study his word, pray without ceasing, and meditate on his teachings. Allow his truth to permeate every aspect of your life, and let him be the center of your thoughts and actions.

Conquering Fear and Doubt

As you seek Christ, you may encounter doubt and fear. The enemy of our souls will make an effort to sow doubt in your mind and prevent you from acting courageously in faith. However, do not let these feelings discourage you. Instead, use them as a catalyst to press into Christ even more.

I was terrified and doubtful when I received the call to serve as an apostle. I felt unworthy and inadequate for the task. However, Jesus saw something in me that I did not see in myself, and he called me to follow him. I was able to get over my fear and doubt thanks to his grace and power, and I went on to accomplish great things for his kingdom.

So, my friend, don’t let uncertainty and fear stop you. Instead trust in Christ and his power to equip you for every good work. He has given you everything you need to succeed in your journey of faith.

The Power Of Togetherness

One of the most powerful ways to ignite your passion in seeking Christ is through community. There was a strong sense of fellowship and community in the early church. They met together regularly to study the apostles’ teaching, to share meals, and to pray together.

“And let us think about how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near,” it says in Hebrews 10:24–25.

Therefore, my friend, don’t undervalue the significance of getting together with other Christians. For Christ never intended for us to worship him as an individual, our faith is also made stronger by the community that we keep. For we are one communion, one body of Christ.

Fighting Through Oppression

There is a chance that those who do not share your beliefs will oppose you and even persecute you. Although Jesus assured us of his constant presence, he also warned us that following him would not be easy. Jesus said in John 15:18-19, “Know that the world has despised me prior to hating you, if that’s any consolation. If you were of the world, people would love you. But since you’re not, and you’re someone I choose from the world, you’re looked down upon by everyone.”

Do not let opposition or persecution deter you, my friend. Instead, make the most of the chance to grow closer to Christ and proclaim his truth. Keep in mind that Christ is with you through every trial and struggle, so you are not alone.

Let Us Pray

Dear Lord, today I come into your presence with a humble request that I shall never stop desiring your love in my life. Give me the stamina to maintain my faith in the face of adversity. I know that you have tasked me with great things in my lifetime, and by your grace shall I contribute to your heavenly will. Please remind me that all is possible when I have Christ at my side. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

St. Jude Thaddeus, pray for us. Amen 🙏
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February 7, 2025

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