
St. Sebastian – Embracing Health & Fitness

In order for us to receive the abundance of God from our time here on earth, we are called to protect our physical bodies and treat it as a precious gift from the Lord. Doing so glorifies the Lord and allows us to carry out our mission here on earth to it’s fullest.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Today’s message from St. Sebastian is a call for us to make a concerted effort towards maintaining our physical, mental and spiritual well-being. When we nourish these aspects of our health we are better able to serve God and lead more positive, energetic and fulfilling lives.

Do not forget to take time to care for your health throughout the course of your daily work and toil. Adopt physical exercise, a balanced diet and daily prayers to improve our overall fitness every day.

Enroll In Spiritual Classes

Just as fitness classes help us maintain our physical appearances and have our health in good condition, our spiritual being too needs care. Setting aside time each day to connect with God is a sure proof way to enhance our spirituality and draw a deeper connection. This can be done through daily prayer in the morning/evening, going to mass, reading the scripture or sharing God’s work with others.

Remember that all good things flow from God who lives within our spirit. When our spirit is healthy and well-nourished, it will manifest in other areas of our lives and improve our overall well-being.

With God as our instructor, we are sure that there are no chances of failure in life since he will direct us to paths that only lead to success. He will not leave us to experience challenges on our own and will teach us about how we shall triumph in life. The teachings from his word, the Bible, are true and will not in any way mislead us as perhaps our earthly fitness classes would do. Find time to read and meditate on God’s word, following it with a prayer to secure your position in a spiritual class.

Saint Sebastian reveals that the reward for making time to spend with God is that you strengthen your spirituality here on earth which will lead to the promised eternal life.

Take Steps to Improve Physical Fitness

We are called to treat our bodies as a temple and to take steps every day to protect this wonderful creation of God. Often times, people take their good health for granted and only seek help once it becomes too late.

Just as Christ died for our sins even before we committed them as a means of securing our future salvation, we know that our God is forward-thinking and believes in prevention rather than waiting for something bad to happen before acting.

St. Sebastian reminds us that keeping our health & fitness in good condition is our personal responsibility and we should take steps to always stay healthy rather than wait for illness or sickness to strike before taking our health seriously.

Practice Growing in Godliness 

Growing in obedience to the Lord will require persistence and training. You will be needed to study and understand how God works to keep the mind in tune. It does not instantly happen that just because we are followers of Christ.

It is necessary if we start by developing habits of reading and meditating on God’s word, talking to him saying words of praise, making confessions, and giving thanks for all he has done in our life. Constantly spending time in the presence of the Lord strengthens, the relationship we have with him which draws him closer to us. 

Saint Sebastian is revealing to us that a person who desires to be named a child of Christ must learn discipline. This means that they ought to maintain spending time with the Lord regularly. It will take time for one to grow and maintain faith by fully denying the devil and doing the wrong things.

Keep your hopes in Christ and your life will be transformed due to your faithfulness in him. The efforts you make to know God and live for his glory draw you closer to him which allures blessings your way. Let your desire and goal lead to knowing Christ as he is the way and the pinnacle of our faith. 

Prayer to Saint Sebastian

“Dear Saint Sebastian, I applaud you for revealing to me the tips I am supposed to follow to maintain my physical, mental and spiritual health.

Please intercede for me and come to my rescue when I seem to lose control in taking care of my spiritual fitness.

Help me to take the steps to preserve and protect my health, that I may serve God unhindered with sickness, illnesses or physical impediments.

As I embark on a quest to grow my faith, help me to take the steps necessary to create a deeper spiritual connection with my Heavenly Father.

Help me grow into the obedience of the Lord, always direct me unto the right path.”


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March 4, 2025

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