Archangel Raphael – He Provides for Your Medical Needs

Ask and you will receive. Today’s St. Raphael brings good tidings of healing waves upon your home.

As the patron saint of miracle healing from all physical ailments and damage of the soul, God sends his divine physician to bestow the best treatment upon His faithful. In the bible we know that Raphael often comes disguised to bring unexpected blessings, but he is always watching for our prayers and makes himself available to those who seek healing. And he knows the symptoms that even we may not be aware of.

Today is a message of rejuvenation and hope, and a call to let go of any pain that has tormented you in mind & spirit. Whilst life may be fraught with affliction, God’s message is clear – that as long as we hold on to a seed of faith, his healing miracles may work through us. There is no medical condition too deadly that His power cannot cleanse, nor illness of the mind that may not be touched by His grace.

Be Pro-active in Healing Wounds

Remember the old saying, “time heals all wounds”? We all know that time does not have any special powers of healing, but instead it only serves its purpose of numbing the pain that resides in us.

Many have the misconception that the healing process is one that is passive, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. When we fall sick or experience medical emergencies, we get prescribed medicine and a recovery process by the doctors. Medical advances in the field may has become so advanced that it seems like a we aren’t really doing anything, but in fact we are giving our bodies the much needed nutrition to fight back and come out stronger.

To truly heal the ailments that plague our body & minds we are required to be pro-active and take action. Sometimes we get too caught up in the physical symptoms that we forsake the much needed spiritual activation that allows God to work miracles through us.

Even whilst we leave our health in the care of medical professionals, God’s angels are labor to bring our swift recovery. Do not procrastinate when confronted with the symptoms but take an active stance in prayer and reconnecting with God’s light. Having a positive mental disposition and strong connection to God’s love has a powerful impact on our ultimate well-being.

Time does not heal, but the Lord is our true salvation and source of healing.

Connecting With God’s Healer

Fancy a 24/7 doctor that works around the clock to get you fully recharged and healed? The beautiful thing about prayer is that we can reach out to our heavenly guardians at any point we require assistance. Remember that healing is a pro-active approach and making time to connect with God is never misguided.

The purest way to receive divine intercession is through prayer & worship. There are many forms of prayer and so many ways that we can word our request to God. Do not forget to pray for direct help and for Him to work through the doctors & nurses in our lives. He loves it when we come to Him in sincerity, and our Heavenly Father will never turn away His children.

We should also never overlook the power of praying for others. When two or three are gathered in the Lord’s name, so too will He be felt. If you have an urgent prayer request you can write it down and submit it to intercessory groups, prayer walls and communities who will pray on your behalf for your healing. Don’t forget we also have a whole multitude of saints like Raphael that we can call upon for their intercession.

Visualize Your Recovery State

Sometimes when we ask to be healed, we don’t truly have an idea of the end result that we want. Visualization has a compelling effect on our subconscious mind which plays a big role in the recovery process. Picture how it would be like if you were fully recovered from all afflictions, the lifestyle that you would lead, the activities you would have with your loved ones and the joyful emotions that you would have.

You can even do this in the midst of prayer! Instead of focusing on the negativity (like the pain you are in) and begging God to take it away, redirect your thoughts to the positive emotions you would have as you accept your healing graces from God. This sends a strong signal to the subconscious mind that we are ready and fully aligned with God’s promises for our abundant future.

🙏 Prayer to St. Raphael for Intercession 🙏

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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

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October 18, 2024

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