
Saint Barbara – Furnish Your Life with Goodness

Saint Barbara is calling upon us to immediately start to furnish our lives with goodness by inviting God into it. Everyone desires to live a good life, one that they do not suffer through any inadequacies.

Despite the challenges that are on the earth, she gives an assurance that you can still live to the fulfillment of your desires if they are in accordance with God’s will. When we aim to increase our trust and faith in the Lord, we will draw closer to being endowed with plenty of blessings.

Furnishing the House

For a house or room to be accommodative, one equips it with furniture and fittings. Comparably, for you to live a peaceful and satisfactory life without suffering, you can secure yourself a supplication of experiencing God’s goodness at all times. It is achieved by commencing to welcome Christ to reside in your hearts and when you do so, you are as a well-furnished house.

God is fascinated by those who trust that his word is true and act towards what it states. He is a good lord who through his goodness, he will avert your suffering where you will experience his love, kindness, strength and peace.

Perhaps you are in a situation where you are wondering what you will do to evade insufficiency of providing for your family. God’s word persuades us to consider seeking the Lord for his goodness of giving us his immense provision. His word tells us that we can taste and see that the Lord is good and blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

His goodness does not match to anyone else’s for he did not obtain it from any other source but himself. Even in moments you feel unworthy, be assured that his goodness is always with you regardless of your situation. 

He will furnish your life with his goodness even to those who have not accepted him in their lives. He is good to all and is sympathetic to all his creations with an aim of drawing us to him.

Be reminded that sometimes good things will not always show up as happy moments. If you have your trust and faith in the Lord, you are confident that even when the hardship is at you, God has planned it and at the end of it you will emerge victorious. 

DIY Inspiration 

The majority of people who have their houses well-furnished get their inspiration from the do it yourself (DIY) illustrated by others. How about you get inspired to show goodness to others as God has shown to you through Christ? Remember that your goodness to others is not seen in your character but one that comes from God. 

God’s goodness was evidently shown when he sent his son on earth and allowed suffering and death to him for the sake of our sins. This act of our creator’s goodness showed Christ’s sacrifice and ministry towards us. This form of love is what we are being pleaded by God to embrace amongst ourselves.

We are required to keep our hearts pure as we show our goodness to others. We will furnish our life with more goodness from the Lord to us when we demonstrate as Christ’s in our lives at all times.

The goodness of the Lord offers security and inspiration and it does not change. Just as his character never changes, let yours not change too. You should use his unchanging character as an inspiration for you to always do and be good to your fellows. 

Do Some Spring Cleaning 

Before furnishing a home, is the need for someone to do some spring cleaning first to make it look neat and comfortable. Your life too needs some cleansing for you to experience God’s goodness. This is attained by asking for forgiveness of your sins from God who is always ready to accept you back to his arms.

Through the death of his sinless son, our relationship with him was restored. His goodness is the core of our faith. He provided his salvation to us through his son. Through salvation, we are saved from the effects of sinning which is death and separation from our creator.

For you to be freed and forgiven your sins, God in his goodness allowed justice and mercy be expressed so that he could give grace and mercy. The love God has for us is what led you to salvation which helped restore your relationship with him. For you to maintain that relationship with God, aim not to make him angry by acting contrary to what he has ordered you to. We have been cleansed from all our wrongs by the blood shed by Christ on the cross.

Transform Your Space 

You transform your space when you furnish your house making it different from one that is not. Equally, you experience more goodness of the Lord if you are in salvation than when you are not. Those in salvation do not suffer through anything and if they do experience some challenges, they are not defeated. Not all challenges you encounter are set to make you suffer but instead some are for the good of the Lord.

We all should consider transforming our spaces to those that have Christ in it. He will transform your minds and our desires to be in alignment with his plan for our lives. The Holy Spirit is responsible for changing our hearts and lives for us to live for the glory of our creator. You will blossom in everything you do for the goodness of your creator will always be with you.

Prayer to Saint Barbara

Dear Saint Barbara, I thank you for the impact your knowledge has had on my faith.

I am now ready to furnish my life with the goodness of the Lord. I aspire to live my life as Christ did when he was on earth.

Assist me to live a life that is free from sin and when I make any wrong, I ask of you to intervene for me to the Lord for me to be pardoned.


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March 4, 2025

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