
Saint Benedict – Paying Your Mortgage

Saint Benedict watches over us even us we sleep. He knows when we are faced with peril, and works tirelessly to shelter us from any incoming danger.

When parents let their children play, we let often let them adventure around on their own so that they can learn through their own experiences. Only when we if see imminent danger or hear their cries for help do we step in and make sure that all is well.

Whenever we go through tough times, know that our heavenly guides are also watching over us waiting to step in. Should we require their assistance, we only need to call upon them for help.

Take heart and never lose the faith even during trying times, for St. Benedict wants you to know that things will only get better.

Quiet your hearts and pay your mortgage dues to allow the debts in your life to be released and washed clean. Through the Heavenly father we shall receive peace and tranquility even in the fiercest of storms.

Do not be overcome with anxiety or fear, St. Benedict is here to stand guard to safeguard your assets and allow only positive opportunities to enter your life. In order to live a life fulfilled, we shall be cleared free of debt, sin and negativity. Our mortgage payments to build our home in the Lord shall be taken care of with the faith that springs from our hearts.

Clear Off Long-Term Debt

Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
- Romans 13:8

In order to receive the promises of the Lord we must clear all debts owed to others. One who wishes to build a tower must take small steps to secure his foundation so that it may be built tall and strong.

St. Benedict seeks to help you create a safe haven here on earth as well as to secure your place in God’s kingdom. To achieve this we must start by taking responsibility. This may seem challenging, especially when it requires some form of sacrifice, yet clearing our debts will remove any blockages of the soul to the Lord’s miracles.

Disconnect From Worries Beyond Your Control

Negativity is a virus that spreads the more we think about it. It may be hard at first to try and silence the worries completely, but when you open your heart to God’s love and promises, all his bountiful miracles will start to flow to you.

A great way to keep negative forces at bay is to focus on gratitude by giving thanks to the Lord for all of our blessings. This not only helps to counter our anxiety, but also builds up positive energies that we but back into the world. The happier we become, the more abundance we shall receive!

Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.
- Matthew 13:12

Build a House That Lasts a Lifetime

Short term victories are always sweet, but St. Benedict wants you to also focus on building a strong foundation for the future. Put all your skills, talents and assets into creating a something that you will be truly proud of when you look back upon your life.

Keep an eye out new opportunities headed your way and don’t hesitate to take hold of them! For God always wants to set us up for the future and he will often send surprises and miracles our way for us to prosper.

Powerful Advice

St. Benedict of Nursia loves when we call upon him to send help, blessings and protection into our lives. Do not forget to ask your patron saints for their intercession upon you and your loved ones. He will draw you close and protect you, releasing all your fears and debts so that you can live life the way that God meant it for you.

Prayer to St. Benedict for Intercession

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July 13, 2024

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