
Solemnity of Mary – Reflect Upon My Graces Today And You Shall Have Nothing to Fear. For I Am Your Divine Mother, and My Intercession Shall Be Heard By The Tidings of Angels

My Beloved, You Are God’s Own Creation

My beloved child, your life has been set up by God with the intention that you will seek Him out and find Him. I want you to know who He is. He is the Lord, your God. He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love and loyalty.

Read His word so you can get to know Him more and also learn how to follow His ways. All things were made for God’s pleasure, which is to express loving compassion. He is kind to the weak and needy; He is a father to the fatherless; He supports and protects them. He crouches to look down and lifts the needy and the poor from the garbage dump, setting them among princes. The heavens and earth are far below Him. 

Study The Word of My Son, Your Salvation Depends On It

Dear child, study the book of law and truth, the Holy Bible, and keep God’s words in your heart at all times. This will help you to be careful to follow everything that is written in it. All who heed its message shall be successful and prosperous.

God’s words are both Spirit and Life. You can ask for anything you want through me if you continue to believe in God and the power of His words. God’s word is alive and effective. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, dividing even the joints of the soul and spirit, and it judges the intentions and attitudes of the heart. Your Bible is the most significant possession you will ever have because it provides knowledge of The Most High God.

It enriches the underprivileged, provides food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, love for the rejected, consolation for the lonely, freedom for the prisoner, health for the ill, light in the dark, and life for the dying.

God’s kingdom is a spiritual kingdom that exists within you. My son, Jesus, gave instructions on how to live in the reality of the Kingdom in his teachings, which included his parables. Christ is the King, and since He is the King, the laws of the Kingdom are His words. His Word is filled with numerous blessings and promises. You reside in the Kingdom—His Government—when you live in His Word and allow it to live in your hearts. What is in your hearts will manifest in your actions and have an impact on the world you live in.

Receive God’s Forgiveness With Open Arms

Receiving God’s forgiveness and allowing its reality to run through you are the first steps in the process of forgiving. When you acknowledge the extent to which you have been forgiven, It becomes clearer that you have no right to judge one another. How could you refuse to obey God when He commands you to forgive others just as He has forgiven you? Instead of focusing on the God who makes everything right, we tend to think more about the person who has wronged us.

Forgiveness is a two-way street, God forgives you, and you forgive other people. When you confess your sins to God, He quickly and completely pardons you. You must forgive others without hesitation regardless of whether they acknowledge failure or not . People generally don’t think they’ve done anything wrong and, if they have, they’re not going to want to admit it to you. Just forgive them to be on God’s side.

See why having Me as your mother in heaven makes your  life easier? I teach and direct you on how to do what God expects you to. I will make sure you are properly educated (using the scriptures), properly fed (using my Son Jesus in the Eucharist) and always clean you up, like any good mother would (through the sacrament of confession). I will also see to it that you associate with virtuous individuals rather than those who will drag you down to hell. I not only shield you from the devil and bad company, but also assist you in avoiding potential sinful situations and events that would harm you. I give you my spiritual fortitude to overcome evil.

Return To The Lord

Returning to the Lord entails approaching Him with a broken heart— He will forgive you. God graciously bestows forgiveness upon you whenever you sincerely request it. God never gets tired of pardoning your transgressions. He is always willing to pardon you. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask Him for forgiveness because He is not deterred by your sins. If you freely admit that you have sinned and confess your sins, He will forgive you.

Since My son, Jesus, offered Himself as a sacrifice once and for all, you can now ask for forgiveness. You don’t have to earn forgiveness because Jesus already paid the price for it. To ask God for forgiveness, you need only acknowledge your wrongdoings. God not only pardons, but also cleanses the wrongdoers He pardons and regenerates you. God is prepared and eager to pardon you. Unlike humans, He does not harbor resentment or require time to pardon you. You are currently eligible for pardon: Admit your transgressions and implore God’s pardon. It’s that easy.

A Prayer of Reflection & Asking For Forgiveness

“Mary, The Mother Of Forgiveness, I am aware that I am a sinner and that I have violated God’s Will on numerous occasions. I sincerely apologize and ask for your pardon. Please ask God to look kindly upon my transgressions and forgive me. You are a loving Mother, and I didn’t intend for my transgressions to offend God. Guide me to repent of my sins and return to God’s flock. I will do everything in my power to resist temptation in the future.  Give me a sensitive heart and an open ear so I can feel and hear the commands You give me.” Amen 🙏

Bible Verse To Reflect On

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

1 Ephesians 4:32        

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September 29, 2024

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