
St. Dymphna – Take Time Off for Self-Love

Many are the times when we fail to recognize our worth in the universe and we keep depending on the approval of other people. We fail to realize that we cannot expect others to love us more if we do not first learn to love ourselves.

Our bodies, our spirit and entire being are all gifts that we received from the Lord. And Him, being a perfect God would not create anything less than perfect in His eyes.

Saint Dymphna is here to remind us that we need to take time off to practice self-love every once in awhile. It is only by having our cup of self-love full that we can be able to share it with others. On the contrary, we cannot give love if we are drained of it hence we are called upon today to respond to the call of practicing self-love.

Treasure Your Efforts

Be proud of the work that you have accomplished and do not slight yourself, for the heavens are watching and they know your heart. If you have feeling stressed out lately, working up all night trying to achieve your goals, it’s time to give yourself a little break.

A true Christian is one that is full of thanks and appreciation. This must first begin within you and extend out to the rest of the people you meet.

Positive Affirmations for Christian Self-Love

Every day when you wake up say a few of these lines that will lift your spirits and set you in a strong mental state to begin the day. These will invoke feelings of appreciation, thankfulness and build self-confidence. You can also mix and match or come up with your own lines!

I am born of God, and have been chosen to be part of his flock. I am deeply loved, I am cherished and I am precious in his sight.
Dear Lord, thank you for all that you have given me. I appreciate every part of my being and will use the gifts entrusted to me to do good and spread light in the world.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Through me, Christ works his miracles. I am a vessel of God and I thank him for all of my blessings.
I am a warrior of Christ. I am strong, I am powerful and I am empowered by the Holy Spirit within me. Today I will do great things and bring joy to others.

Saint Dymphna is challenging us today to take up the responsibility of treasuring our efforts even before we wait for others. We are being called upon to appreciate ourselves for this is the genesis of self-love. The moment we begin to treasure our efforts is the moment we shall realize that the opinions of other people in regards to appreciating us come secondary.

After achieving the goals we have set, appreciating our efforts and applauding ourselves for the job well done will mean that we shall be unbothered by the fact that others do not appreciate us. Treasure your efforts no matter how minimal they are for it is in appreciating the little we have that more shall be added unto us. 

Do Not Be Too Harsh on Yourself

Dear child of God, it is human to make a mistake but you cannot keep blaming and punishing yourself forever. Just because you had promised God that you would not disappoint him but you ended up falling into sin should not make you live with the guilt forever.

It is work of the devil to make us feel unworthy in the presence of God. The devil is well aware that our God is merciful and forgiving that even when we sin against him, he forgives us when we repent. The devil manipulates us that God has distanced himself from us after we sin thus instead of running back to him and repenting we create a barrier. 

Saint Dymphna is revealing to us today that we need to take it easy upon ourselves. Sometimes we are our own enemies because we are too harsh on ourselves yet our God is very loving. Whenever we sin against him, he only requires us to admit our mistakes, repent and seek his forgiveness.

We are reminded that he is the God who leaves ninety nine sheep to seek for one lost sheep. Take up the challenge of forgiving yourself for the mistakes of your past so that you are in a position of moving ahead. Without a closure on your past, you can never be in a position to move ahead and lead a peaceful life. 

Treat Yourself As God Would Treat You

Do you know that the manner in which you treat yourself sets the standard for how others treat you? If you treat yourself in a disrespectful manner, do not expect others to respect you. Sometimes we are too harsh and unfair to ourselves yet we complain when others are unfair to us. We are quick to notice how other people treat us yet we ignore how we treat ourselves.

Saint Dymphna is challenging us to treat ourselves as God would treat us. Imagine if God could love you so much that he sent his only son to die on the cross for your sins, why then would you love yourself any less? Why would you treat yourself as if your existence does not matter yet the price that was paid for you was too heavy?

God commands us to love ourselves to the fullest extent. For as Christ told us to “love one another as you love yourself”, what good would it be if we do not first . To become a person that radiates love, we must be proud of the gifts that God has given to us and be thankful for everything that we have in our lives.

Prayer To Saint Dymphna

“Dear Saint Dymphna, thank you for reminding me that I have been blessed abundantly by the Lord.

I know that I am loved and cherished by Heaven.

I beseech thee to intercede for me that I may increase my experience in God’s love and share it with others so that they may recognize his wonders.

Help me to love myself and treat myself so that I may be able to extend the same to other people.”

🙏 Amen 🙏

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February 28, 2025

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