
St. Jude – Time for Recovery & Relief

Jesus knows his flock, He knows those who are suffering from physical or emotional torture and are at the verge of giving up.

Today He has tasked St. Jude to guide you with ways on how we can improve our mental state by focusing on faith. He is aware that you can get over all your troubles through keeping your faith solid at all times.

Recovery Through Faith 

As we go through life, it is inevitable that we meet with hardship and suffering. Some of these challenges affect our health, wealth or power but allow us to keep steadfast in God. Sometimes relying on people may not be the best option for our problems, there is great comfort & blessings in seeking God’s strength instead of trying to go through our ordeals alone.

This power is present in only God and Saint Jude wants us to know that it is through faith that you can recover what you lost. The Bible states that having faith is believing that when you tell a mountain move, it will move if only you believe. And that is how through faith you will be able to recover to your wellbeing. 

Saint Jude warns against doubts which delays progress in your life. He asks you to be patient even when you feel that your faith is depreciating when your problem is not solved on time. You should not associate delayed responses as ignored for your time is coming for you to recover. There is no problem that God cannot solve for his power is not surpassed by any other. In your journey to recovery, find comfort in God’s word for it will help build your faith. 

Back Up Your Life With The Right

We may lose ourselves to the evil one if we do not find backup for our lives. We need someone whom we can entrust the safety of our lives to. God qualifies for this position for he is the most superior. We are prone to being attacked and damaged by our enemies who do not want to see us progress and enjoy the peace that God has bestowed unto us. If we continuously depend on our own strength, we are exposed to the evil one who will easily cause harm to us. 

Saint Jude comes to us to ensure that faith remains the foundation of our lives. With faith God is able to near and notice us and makes sure that everything happens in our favor. Saint Jude tells us that even though you feel you have enough faith, you need him to guide you as you live in spirituality for the journey is not easy.  He makes you aware that growing in faith does not take a day for temptations and trials will come along your way and he commits to always be with you. 

Reboot Your Mental State Through Faith

The evil one at times entices us to do the wrong and that is how we end up sinning against the Lord. Saint Jude tells us that we are able to restore our relationship with him if we keep our faith. We can reboot our lives through faith.

God gives us a chance to correct our mistakes and he has faith in us that we will not repeat them. You need to keep your trust in the Lord at all times so that as you reboot to embark on your renewed journey, you will not trip and fail once again. Once you see the results of having faith in me, you will get encouraged to maintain it at all times in your life. Saint Jude reminds us that rebooting requires us to fully utilize our faith.

Faith without actions is dead and it is achieved by acting towards God’s word. When you allow the word to grow in you, settle and become active and strong in your life, you attract God’s presence which will be evident to one who has faith in him. Also, rebooting your life improves the way you handle challenges and comes with living a life that has plentiful peace. This time God is going to make firm your steps such that even when you stumble, you will not fall for he will uphold you with his mighty hand. God promises to save you from trials and temptations as long as you place your faith and trust in Him. 

Reprogramming Anxiety & Stress

Some of us have little or no faith while some lose theirs over different circumstances. You are probably fighting an illness but you have not been able to overcome it because you lack faith. If you believe even with the tiniest bit of faith that you are healed, then you will be healed. Faith acts as relief for it is an assurance of the success of the things you hope for such as the end to your problems no matter the period it takes. Having faith in God for instance, you are assured that even when you get sick, you are relieved because you are certain that you will get healed for he is not stunned by our trials or struggles. 

Saint Jude is letting us know that living without faith that things will happen in our favor then we are not pleasing God. He tells us that having faith and entrusting the Lord with our lives, eases the burden of having to suffer through troubles.  Lack of faith affects our mental health because we are not hopeful for the best of our tomorrow. When faith doesn’t seem to work in our favor, Saint Jude tells us that he will not allow challenges to defeat us for he and the angels will intervene for us to our creator. 

Prayer for St. Jude’s Intercession

“Dear Saint Jude, I appreciate your help in making me understand that I can conquer everything that comes my way through faith.

You have helped me discern that it is through having faith in God that I will succeed on earth. It is through this message that has made me consider starting a fresh start to enable me to improve my life and mental health.

I ask you humbly to always be at my side to correct me when I seem to be moving into the direction that is contrary to growing faith in my creator.”

Amen 🙏

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February 3, 2025

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