
St. Michael – Your Personal Defender

Do you notice how easily we place our trust into the hands of others when it comes to a normal court of law. When fighting a case or submitting a petition, we often rely on lawyers & judges to decide our fates.

Whether or not they actually have our best interests or their own personal agendas sometimes becomes blur.

If we can place our fates in to the instruments of the law on earth, why not more so to our heavenly advisors who have our best interests at heart?

Saint Michael is coming today to let us know that we should not be worried when we need to present our cases to the heavenly court. As long as we are come to Him in humility, with a clean heart and honest intentions, our petitions will be well taken care of.

None of us can claim to be blameless or free from sin, and unlike a human judge, God actually knows the struggles that we are facing every single day of our lives. He rules with compassion for He is a benevolent creator and we should not stress ourselves over because He shall certainly rule in our favor.

Most of the time, we fail to recognize the plenty of spiritual lawyers that are in our midst ready to fight for us if only we ask them to. Unlike the earthly lawyers, they do not even require any legal fees thus we can all afford them.

We tend to appear in the heavenly court alone thinking that we shall win the case only for us to panic when we stand before the judge. While we may be confident and rely on our innocence, using our spiritual lawyers will save us time as well as guarantee us victory since they are professionals who know what to say and when to say it.

Handling Spiritual Injury

Most people are taken to court because they cause harm to others as a result of their actions or omissions. In life, people tend to hurt us and cause us harm and most times we do not know what to do.

Majority of us are tempted to become bitter and we plan to take revenge. We tend to be consumed by the desire to make them feel as much pain as they might have caused us. In reality, if we choose to follow their path, then we are no better than them. 

In the book of Genesis 37, the sons of Jacob plotted to kill their brother Joseph. However, after much discussion they eventually sold him as a slave where he was taken to Egypt.

They deceived their father that Joseph had been devoured by the wild animals. Later on when Joseph was promoted to a leadership position by Pharaoh and his brothers came begging for grains, he had them get their father and they settled in Egypt. 

Supposing you are Joseph and you suffered under the hands of your brothers who sought your death. Would you forgive them? Would it not be easier to have them arrested since you are now in power? Would you rather have them die of starvation and claim that they are suffering for their crimes? 

Being a God-fearing man, Joseph knew that it was not in his position to revenge. The battle belonged to God and not him thus he forgave and lived peacefully with them.

What a rare soul! Saint Michael is revealing to us that whenever we face a spiritual injury, we should not be quick to defend ourselves but leave it unto the heavens to fight for us. Eventually, we will get the justice we deserve.

Trusting Your Personal Lawyer

Just as our lawyers are well-trained in legal proceedings and are able to effectively fight our case in the court of law, so too are our heavenly advisors.

We call upon our beloved Saints and Angels, but because they are in a strong position to intercede and plead on our behalf.

Whatever the case situation or no matter how desperate the cause may seem, our faith is the foundation that will bring great miracles and healing into our lives.

Saint Michael is reassuring us that your heavenly advisors have your best interests at heart and are earnestly fighting battles for your sake.

Do not worry yourself and lose faith when all seems quite. For it during this silent moments that the biggest work is being done.

As long as we make it a point to live righteously and to learn from our past mistakes, we should have no worry when we are making petitions to God and asking for his justice to be presented to us on earth.

Prayer to Saint Michael

“Dear Saint Michael, the defender of the people,

I pray that you may protect me from the attacks of the devil.

Help me stay on the path of righteousness and fight for my spiritual battles.

May I always learn to trust in my heavenly lawyers and let go of my worries.”


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February 28, 2025

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