
St. Teresa of Calcutta – For Giving and Charity

A Message of Hope & Charity

A vibrant expression of love is by giving to those who are in need. It is like making deposits in heaven, where it becomes a secure treasure that can never be taken by anyone.

The works and the labor of love you bestowed are being noticed and never forgotten by God. Wherefore, He has set a place and appointed time to release every good that you have sown and repay you in ways you never began to imagine.

To many people, charity means ‘almsgiving’ whether in money or kind. Charity is far more than that. It is an act of love. It is generosity towards the poor and excluded in society.

St. Teresa of Calcutta, also known as Mother Theresa, possessed the virtue of charity and selflessness.

Her journey has not been easy yet extraordinary. She has been criticized and humiliated but continued to devote her life to care for the sick, the poor, and the disadvantaged. She broke boundaries, stereotypes, and taught the true meaning of charity.

She was born with the name Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia to Albanian parents. Her father died when she was eight and was left to her religious mother who invites destitute people to dine with them. That remarkable example molded St. Teresa from her childhood to become compassionate with other people.

She decided to be a nun and entered the convent when she was eighteen. Years later, she was destined to Calcutta and was assigned to teach at St. Mary’s High School for Girls. It is a school dedicated to teaching girls from the poorest families.

Through her passion for kindness and generosity in teaching the students and lead them to Christ, she became the principal of that school.

She enjoyed her commitment to the school however, she was disturbed by the poverty of Calcutta. So while she was on the train going to a retreat, she realized she had a different calling which she described as “the call within a call.” She felt that she should serve the poor and sick people.

St. Theresa founded the Missionaries of Charity that was joined by a group of young women and former teachers of St. Mary’s. With no income at first, she begged for food and supplies.

Her genuine compassion for the poor motivated her to set up orphanages, soup kitchens, nursing homes, clinics, and other charitable organizations despite the criticisms she received from her beliefs.

After all the dedication, many have been inspired to join her mission and even convinced the government to donate to her cause. Her vocation thrived, and donations poured out across the globe, expanded rapidly from one country to another.

True fulfillment does not come from material things but in bringing help to the suffering humanity. It must not be acted out of pity or obligation but in willingness to share the gift God has given. As the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Furthermore, charity is reflecting Christ to the world. It is as simple as being kind, forgiving, generous, and passionate in spreading joy and love.

God will supply your needs as you simultaneously share them with others. Where you deposit your treasure, is where your thoughts and heart will be also, so be an advocate of the people.

Love your neighbors regardless of who you do or do not get along with for God is your great reward.

Prayer of St. Teresa of Calcutta:

St. Teresa of Calcutta, thank you for accepting God’s calling to be His carrier of love especially to the poorest and the neediest. You gave yourself completely to be the beacon of light to those who need hope. I thank you for the mission that you embarked on and inspire me to live in the principle of charity. Thank you for doing a continuous effort to make life better for others. Help me continue your legacy by being compassionate to others, especially those who are the poorest of the poor, unloved, and unwanted. Help us seek the face of Jesus to serve Him in humility and joy. Hear our petitions and pray for us. Amen.

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